The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

abundance, breeding season, and
number of broods 110
adaptation to low levels of dissolved
oxygen discussed 127-8
in alkaline lakes 332
all-male culture 191-7
alternative and preferred classification
ammonia tolerance 123
anomalies and deformities 258-60
bacterial diseases 254-6
behavior and ecology in natural
communities 83-114
cage culture 205-46
certain species euryhaline 121
clear need for collections of known
strains 335
compared with other species in
culture systems 245
competitors in Soudanian region 85
control of reproduction 309-16
culture in ponds 185-203
culture and sewage a controversial
topic 350
culture systems broadly reviewed
culture techniques and systems 349-50
diet 144-6
digestion 146-9, 340-2
digestive tract 142
diseases 247-63
ecology and distribution 15-59
effects of salinity 121-2
effects of water quality 122-3
eggs are ovoid 132
establishment and conservation of
pure strains 335-6
evolution 331
examples of the two genera 3-7
extensive cage culture 216-20
factors controlling numbers in natural
conditions 109-12
fat reserves 163
feeding apparatus 142-3
feeding habits make them ideal for
aquaculture 156
feedstuffs used in culture 198-200
future ecological work outlined 58
growth rates in natural waters 102-5
growth and temperature 189
habitat diversity 31-2
are herbivorous and detritivorous 141
herbivorous diet 3

high protein content required in diet
hybrid production: techniques
detailed 282-90
hybridization 279-301
hybrids resistant to disease 302
intensive cage culture 223-6
juveniles prefer shallow inshore waters
lacustrine populations 111-2
life histories 61-82
life history strategies 338
management of caged stocks 211-2
marine ancestor assumed 121
mass production of hybrid fry 317-25
methods of speciation 331-2
minimum size for sexing 191
monosex broods and sex reversal
mortalities and high density culture
mycotic infections 256
nilotic species in rivers and lakes 85-91
nutrition 340-6
nutritional requirements of brood-
stock 346
objectives for genetic improvement
origin of word 4
parasites 248-54
parental care 4
physiological studies 115-80
prevention and control of diseases
problems of diseases summarized 351
production in naturid waters 105-9
prolific spawning a problem in aqua-
culture 186
potential in cage culture 240-5
r and K strategists 111-2
rapidly established in new waters 91
reproductive physiology 129-40
reproductive potential and success
research priorities summarized 356
resistant to bacterial contamination
riverine populations 111-2
semi-intensive cage culture 220-4
sex reversal 311-2
sexing discussed 201-2
significant collections of known strains
named 335
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