The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

schooling 54
semi-intensive cage culture 2224
serum transferrins 271
sex determination 275-6
size at first maturity in L. George 90
sometimes found with S. aureus 332
in Soudanian region 85
spawning frequency 320-3
spawning peaks in rainy seasons 87
spawning success in cages 2134
spawning in L. Victoria 92
spinal deformities 258
strain B 319,321, 323
L. Tana 36
L. Tanganyika 19
temperature selection in a gradient
tank 158
temperature and swimming per-
formance 34
temperature tolerance 35, 37,120,
teeth 4
tuberculosis 256
L. Turkana 87
R. Turkwel 37
L. Victoria 26,56,91-3,102
visceral neoplasia figured in Egyptian
tomb painti- 258
h Volta 86-7
weight for length and maturation size
in East African waters 89
S. pangani, diet 144
distribution 21,86
introductions 21,86
maternal mouthbrooder 7
Pangani R. system 23,97
speciation in L. Jipe 332
S. pangani girigan, L. Jipe 97
S. placidus, distribution 21
euryhaline 38
introductions 21,24
salinity tolerance 38
S. rukwaensis, allopatric speciation 8
distribution 23,86
population parameters 75
L. Ruhwa 23,99
S. ruvumae, distribution 21
introductions 21
L. Ruvuma 23
S. saka, breeding in L. Malawi 44-5
distribution 23,86
eggs and alevins 48
growth rates 103
L Malawi 23,97-8

and Malawi species flock 8
population parameters 75
R. Sanaga 23
schooling 54
S. sanagaensis, R. Sanaga 23
S. schwebischi, distribution 10,20
S. shimnus, diet 144
distribution 22,86
growth rates 103
introductions 22
L. Malawi 8,98
population parameters 75
S. shimnuschilwae, alkalinity tolerance 40
L. Chilwa 23,34,38,52,99
L. Chiuta 23
distribution 23,86
distribution in L. Chilwa 52
diurnal feeding 43
feeding 41
introductions outside African con-
tinent summarized 29-30
population parameters 75
salinity responses and tolerance 38
temperature tolerance 35,121
S. shimnus shimnus
distribution 23,86
L. Malawi 23
Upper Shire River 23
S. spilurus, and allopatric speciation 332
culture 11
effects of hypophysectomy 135
infected by Haplorchis pumilio 251
neoplasia 258
performs well in brackish and
seawater culture 334
shock syndrome in high density
intensive tank culture 260
spinal deformities 258
S. spilurus niger, all-male hybrids 280,
L. Bunyoni 26,102
culture 11
distribution 21
does not do well in brackish and
seawater culture 334
eurythennal 37
growth in ponds and temperature
conditions 175
hybrids 56,102
introductions 21,24,29,91,55,56
Koki lakes 26,56
L. Naivasha 24,26,91
temperature tolerance 35
S. spilurus percivali, in hot springs 34
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