The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

breeding of S. macrochir 45
breeding of T. rendalli 45
feeding of T. rendalli 45
Lufira reservoir
spawning of S. macrochir 46
spawning of T. rendalli 47
L. Lusiwashi (Zambia)
introductions 24, 26, 55
S. mrochir 24,26,55
T. rendalli 24,26,55
L. Magadi (Kenya)
an alkaline lake 332
diurnal movements of S. alcalicus
gmhami 53
ecological studies 100-1
high salinity 38
pH and alkalinity 40
S. alcalicus alcalicus 38,100,332
S. alcalicus grahami 23, 34, 38,40,41,
tilapias in 86
R. Malagarasi (Tanzania)
allopatric speciation 8
tilapias in 86
Malagarasi swamps (Tanzania)
S. karomo 8,23,47,97
S. upembae 8
sympatric speciation 8
L. Malawi (Malawi)
breeding of S. lidole 44-5
breeding of S. saka 44-5
breeding of S. squamipinnis 44-5
ecological studies 97-9
examples of sympatric speciation 8
growth rates of tilapias 103
migration of S. lidole 54
presence of Lemea tilapaea 253
S. karongae 23,97-8
S. lidole 8,23,44-5, 52,54,97-8
S. saka 23,44-5,97-8
S. shimnus 8,23,98
S. squamipinnis 9, 23,44-5,97-8
schooling of S. lidole 54
schooling of S. saka 54
schooling of S. squamipinnis 54
the species flock 7,8,97-8,332
tilapia habitat 31
tilapias in 86
L. Manyara (Tanzania)
high salinity 38-9
S. amphimelas 23, 36, 38-9
S. mossambicus 39
T. zillii 39

L. Mariout (Egypt)
extended breeding season of S. aureus
growth rate of tilapias 103-4
R. Mbemkuru (Tanzania)
S. umlepis 23
L. McIlwaine (Zimbabwe, man-made)
breeding of S. macrochir 45
depth distribution of S, macrochir 33
inshore-offshore movements of
T. rendalli 159
introductions 24,48,55-6
S. macrochir 24,33,45,47,50
spawning of S. macrochir 47
tilapias in 86
T. rendalli 159
water level fluctuations and S. macro-
chir 50
R. Meme (Cameroon)
T. camerunensis 23
L. Mohasi (Rwanda)
introduction of S. niloticus failed 36
L. Mount Coffee (Liberia)
isolation of T. guineensis 39
L. Moyua (Nicaragua)
breeding of S. mossambicus 46
exotic community 102
S. mossambicus 28,86,102
L. Mutanda (Uganda)
introduction of S. niloticus failed 36
Mwadingusha dam (Zaire)
feeding of T. rendalli 4
L. Mwadingusha (Wre, man-made)
introduction of S. macrochir and T.
rendalli 73
S. macrochir has an advantage over
T. rendalli 48, 50
L. Mweru (Zambia)
low mineral content 39
migration of S. macrochir 54
S. macrochir 39, 52, 54
schooling of S. macrochir 54
T. rendalli 39
T. sparrmanii 39
tilapia habitat 31
tilapias in 86
L. Mweru Wantipa (Zambia)
high salinity 38
S. macrochir 38,52
tilapia habitat 31
L. Nabugabo (Tanzania)
low mineral content 39
S. esculentus 23,39
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