The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
possibility that such a mechanism may have been responsible for at least
some of the adaptive radiation in African cichlids, as seen in the Great Lakes,
is obvious, and clearly warrants attention in the future.
The responses of tilapias during ontogeny to either natural or man-made
changes in ecological conditions are perhaps the best evidence to support our
hypothesis of heterochrony and saltatory development. Our hypothesis
predicts, for example, that as environmental conditions change (or are
changed by human intervention) towards either of the extremes described
previously, the fish should alter their ontogenetic development accordingly.
Sudden and marked alterations in environmental conditions (e.g., flooding of
river banks or lake shore lagoons, increases in adult mortality and/or decreases
in juvenile mortality) should all favor a more altricial life style. Consequently,
we would expect that any or a combination of these environmental features
(or changes) should lead to one or more of: an earlier maturation, increased
fecundity (clutch size), smaller eggs, faster growth and shorter life span in
the fish. Conversely any change(s) in the opposite direction in those environ-
mental conditions would favor a more precocial ontogeny and life style. We
would predict the fish should respond by showing some or all of: delayed
maturation, decreased fecundity, with slower, larger eggs, and increased
The data available, both from field and aquaculture observations, appear
to support these predictions (see, in particular, extensive reports summarized
in Fryer and Iles 1972; Lowe-McConnell, this volume). The comparisons
can be made in a number of ways. Fish living (native) in habitats differing in
the above ways can be compared. Fish artificially stocked from one habitat to
another can also provide data to test these predictions, especially since the
introductions could take place either into a habitat the same as, or different
from the original one. The responses of tilapias to naturally-occurring
environmental changes can also be used here. The responses of these fish in
aquaculture facilities, particularly to different types of management pro-
cedures, can also be interpreted to test the predictions (Table 3). A brief
summary of some examples will illustrate our case.

Table 3. Size at sexual maturity (beginning of adult period), maximum size and longevity in different
stocks of tilapiine species. A smaller size at first maturation (within a species, and to alesser extent within
a guild) indicates a more altricial life history style (see text for full discussion) (adapted from Worthington
and Ricardo 1936 ; Ricardo 1939; Lowe (McConnell) 1955b, 1957,1958; Lowe-McConnell1975; Garrod
1959; Cridland 1961, 1962; P.J.P. Whitehead 1962; R.A. Whitehead 1962; Iles and Holden 1969; Hyder
1970a, 1970b; Iles 1971; Fryer and Iles 1972; Balon and Coche 1974; Ben-Tuvia 1978; Hodgkiss and
Man 1978; Silverman 1978a, 1978b; Bruton 1979; Siddiqui 1979a; De Silva and Chandrasoma 1980).
(All Tilapia species are guarders, all Sarofherodon species are bearers).

Species Locality

T. mariae
T. mariae
T. rendalli
T. zillii
T. zillii
T. zillii
T. zillii

Nigeria, Osse River
Jamieson River
Lake Kariba
L. Kinneret
Egypt, ponds
L. Naivasha

Typical (T) or Maturation
Dwarfed (D) Stock Size (mm)

Maximum Longevity
Size (mm) (years)
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