(Sean Pound) #1


Ordered in consequence that the
following letter be despatched:
Revenue Department


The President and Members of the Board of Revenue


I am directed to state that it is considered by the
Honourable the Governor-in-Council to be an object of interest
and of importance to obtain as accurate information as may be
procurable with regard to the actual state of education
throughout the country, and to desire that the several Collectors
may be required to furnish such information according to the
accompanying Form. Besides reporting the number of schools in
which reading and writing are taught, the number of scholars in
each and the castes to which they belong, the Collectors should
state the time which scholars usually continue at school, the
monthly or yearly charge to the scholars, whether any of the
schools are endowed by the public and in such cases the nature
and amount of the fund. When there are colleges or other
institutions for teaching Theology, Law, Astronomy, etc., an
account of them should be given. These sciences are usually
taught privately to a few scholars or disciples by individuals
without any fee or reward, but there are also some instances in
which the native government has granted allowances in money
and land for the maintenance of the teachers.
Although generally education is confined to particular
castes and is not extended to females, yet as there are
exceptions, which in certain districts may be numerous, the
accompanying Form is adopted to include them.

It is to be clearly understood by the Collectors that no
interference whatever with the native school is intended.
Everything of that kind should be carefully avoided and the
people should be left to manage their schools in their own way.
All that ought to be done is to facilitate the operation of the
schools, by restoring any funds that may have been diverted
from them and perhaps granting additional funds where it may
appear advisable.

Fort St. George, D. Hill,
2nd July 1822. Secretary to Government

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