(Sean Pound) #1


(TNSA: BRP: Vol.944, Pro.10.3.1823, pp.2806-16 No.20-1)

  1. Accompanying I have the honor to forward a statement
    of the colleges and other institutions in this District for the
    education of pupils.

  2. In addition to the Form received with your Secretary’s
    letter I have prepared an abstract, showing the different
    descriptions of these institutions, and the means by which they
    are supported.

  3. Those receiving endowments from the government are as
    follows. The Persian schools at Arcot, mention of which was
    made in Mr Chamier’s letter, transmitted by me to your Board
    under date 10th December 1822.

  4. Some colleges (28) are established in different parts of
    the district, the expenses of which are defrayed from Mauneoms
    and Mairas, which have been granted by former governments on
    this account, and which are still appropriated to these purposes,
    the total of their amount is Rs.516-11-9.

  5. A Persian School in the Sautgud talook is also supported
    on the grant of a Yeomiah of ¼ rupee per diem, where about 8
    scholars are instructed in the Persian language, and a trifling
    Maira of rupees 5-8-4 is received for one of the colleges in the
    talook of Cauvareepauk. These form the whole of the expense
    defrayed by government on this account.

  6. Certain of the institutions from different branches of
    learning will be seen entered as free of charge, these are
    conducted by persons of some acquirements and who voluntarily
    give up a part of their time for this purpose, but the greater
    portion of the seminaries are instituted by those gaining their
    livelihood by this means, and rates of charge are very variable,
    being according to the nature of the studies, or the means of the

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