(Sean Pound) #1

  1. The Board would naturally enquire, how these children
    who are so destitute as not to be able to procure instruction in
    their own villages, could subsist in those to which they are
    strangers, and to which they travel from 10 to 100 miles, with no
    intention of returning for several years. They are supported
    entirely by charity, daily repeated, not received from the
    instructor for the reasons above mentioned, but from the
    inhabitants of the villages generally. They receive some portion of
    alms daily (for years) at the door of every Bramin in the village,
    and this is conceded to them with a cheerfulness which
    considering the object in view must be esteemed as a most
    honorable trait in the native character, and its unobtrusiveness
    ought to enhance the value of it. We are undoubtedly indebted to
    this benevolent custom for the general spread of education
    amongst a class of persons whose poverty would otherwise be an
    insurmountable obstacle to advancement in knowledge and it
    will be easily inferred that it requires only the liberal and
    fostering care of government to bring it to perfection.

  2. As the only schools in the district supported by charity
    are those which owe their maintenance to the gentlemen at
    Cuddapah, I have entered them in the list under the name of
    ‘subscription schools’.

  3. I am not aware that there is any further matter relating
    to this subject which is necessary to be submitted to the Board,
    but I beg to assure them that any deficiency which may be re-
    marked shall be supplied with all the diligence in my power.

  4. I cannot conclude this letter without expressing to your
    Board the obligation I am under to Mr Wheatly for the informant
    now submitted, his long residence in the district having afforded
    to him the best opportunity of ascertaining correctly the actual
    state of education throughout.

Cutcherry of the Collector of
Cuddapah, Roychooty, G.M. Ogilvie,
11th February, 1825. Sub-Collector in charge.

(Statement on following pages)
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