(Sean Pound) #1
From the Principal Collector in the Northern Division of
Arcot 3rd June in consultations: 10th March 1823.

From the Principal Collector in Southern Division of Arcot
29th June in consultations: 7th July 1823

From the Collector of Salem 8th June in consultations:
14th July 1823

From the Principal Collector of Tanjore 28th June in
consultations: 3rd July 1823

From the Collector of Trichinopoly 23rd June in
consultations: 28th August 1823

From the Collector of Madura 5th February in
consultations: 13th February 1823

From the Collector of Tinnevelly 18th October in
consultations: 28th October 1822 & 7th November in
consultations: 18th November 1822

From the Principal Collector of Coimbatore 23rd November
in consultations: 2nd December 1822

From the Principal Collector of Malabar 5th August in
consultations: 14th August 1823

From the Principal Collector of Canara 27th August in
consultations: 5th September 1822

From the Assistant Collector of Seringapatam 29th October
in consultation: 4th November 1822

From the Collector of Madras 13th October in
consultations: 14th November 1822 & 12th October in
consultations: 14th February 1825

  1. An abstract statement prepared from the reports of the
    several Collectors’ is also submitted for the purpose of exhibiting
    at one view the information required by the government.

  2. This abstract is in the Form transmitted by government,
    with an additional column showing the amount of population in
    each district according to the Census as some of the Collectors
    have stated the numbers differently. Under the head of remarks
    the information required by the government regarding the time

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