(Sean Pound) #1

by the wants of the people in the respect to education and
should not in any degree depend upon the accidental
circumstance of the amount of a particular fund being great or
less in different situations.

  1. The Board think it proper to offer this remark in regard
    to the suggestion of Mr Campbell which has just been noticed,
    but it appears to them to be unnecessary at this time to discuss
    the plan proposed by him for the improvement of education and
    his general speculations on the subject conceiving it to be the
    desire of government at present only to receive information
    regarding the actual state of education in order that it may be
    seen what are the deficiencies to be supplied.

  2. That these deficiencies are lamentably great is shown in
    every one of the reports now submitted, and the general result of
    the whole from which it appears that out of a population
    estimated by the Census at above 12 million and a half only
    about 1,88,000 are receiving instruction or about 13¾ percent is
    most unsatisfactory.

  3. It will be remarked that no statement is submitted of
    the number of schools, etc., in Canara. The late Principal
    Collector reported that education is conducted in that district so
    much in private that any statement of the number of schools
    and of the scholars attending them would be of little or no use,
    but on the contrary rather fallacious in forming an estimate of
    the proportion of the population receiving instruction. He stated
    generally that there are no colleges in Canara for the cultivation
    of ‘abstract Science, neither are there any fixed schools and
    masters to teach in them. There is no instance known of any
    institution of the above descriptions having even received
    support in any shape from the former government.’

  4. Notwithstanding the observations of Mr Harris the
    Board have thought it proper to call again upon the present
    Principal Collector to furnish a Statement of Schools, etc.,
    prepared in the form transmitted by government which shall be
    submitted to the Hon’ble the Governor-in-Council as soon as it
    is received.

Fort St. George, J. Dent,
21st February, 1825. Secretary.

(Statement on following pages)
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