(Sean Pound) #1

respectable pundits of the place, who invariably taught at their
houses or in the tols attached to them, where the pupils were all
lodged partly at their own expense and partly at the expense of
their preceptors. The total number of pupils who were at that
time so circumstanced amounted to about 380; their ages
averaging between 25 and 35 years. Few, it was observed,
commenced their studies until they had attained the age of 21
years, and they often pursued them for 15 years, when, having
acquired a perfect knowledge of the shastra and all its arcana,
they returned to their native homes and set up as pundits and
teachers themselves.

In 1818, Mr Ward enumerated 31 schools of learning at
Nuddea, containing in all 747 students, of whom not fewer than
five studied under one teacher. So many as one hundred and
twenty-five students are stated to have been receiving the
instructions of one teacher at the same time, but the accuracy of
Mr Ward’s information in this particular may be doubted. The
principal studies were logic and law, and there was only one
school for general literature, one for astronomy, and one for
grammar. The following are the details in Mr Ward’s words:—

‘Nyaya Colleges
Shivu-Nat’hu-Vidya-Vachusputee has one hundred and
twenty-five students
Ramu-Lochunu-Nyayu-Vhooshunu, twenty ditto
Kashee-Nat’hu Turku-Chooramunee, thirty ditto
Ubhuyanundu-Turkalunkaru, twenty ditto
Ramu-Shurunu-Nyayu-Vagesshu, fifteen ditto
Bhola-Nat’hu-Shiromunee, twelve ditto
Radha-Nat’hu Turku-Punchanunu, ten ditto
Ramu-Mohunu-Vidya Vachusputee, twenty ditto
Shri Ramu-Turku-Bhooshunu, twenty ditto
Kalee-Kantu-Chooramunee, five ditto
Krishnu-Kantu-Vidya-Vageeshu, fifteen ditto
Turkalunkaru, fifteen ditto
Kalee-Prusunu, fifteen ditto
Madhubu-Turku-Sidhantu, twenty-five ditto
Kumula-Kantu-Turku-Chooramunee, twenty-five ditto
Eeshwuru-Turku-Bhooshunu, twenty ditto
Kantu-Vidyalunkaru, forty ditto
Law Colleges
Ramu-Nat’hu-Turku-Siddantu, forty students
Gunga-Dhuru-Shiromunee, twenty-five ditto
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