(Sean Pound) #1

Enquiries were made as to the character of the deceased who is
stated to have been a pundit of great ability, having when he
died about 10 students under tuition. It also appeared by the
evidence produced on the occasion that the brother and present
claimant assisted the deceased in the tuition of his students who
resided with him, and that they read the dharma shastra or
works on law. The information thus produced not seeming to the
Board of Revenue satisfactory, the Collector was directed to
make further enquiries respecting the origin and the extent of
the endowment and the service rendered, but his final report
does not appear on the records.

I have already mentioned the nature of the report, made by
the Judge and Magistrate of this district in 1801, that there were
no seminaries within the district in which either the Hindoo or
Mahomedan law was taught, and I have met with no direct
evidence to establish the existence of any Mahomedan
institutions. With a considerable proportion, however, of
Mahomedan population it seems exceedingly improbable that
they should be entirely destitute of such institutions of
education as are found to exist in other districts.


Hamilton speaks of certain schools in the district in which
the principles or rather the forms of Hindoo religion and law are
taught, but I have not been able to trace any further details
respecting them. I find not the remotest reference to Mahomedan
schools in a district remarkable for a large proportion of Moslem

The public functionaries in 1823 reported to the General
Committee that no grants or endowments of any description for
the purpose of education were known to exist in the district.


I have not been able to obtain any information respecting
indigenous schools, either elementary or learned, in this district,
and I can only infer from the known state of education in other
districts that here also such institutions must exist, although
they have not in any way come under public notice. The
Collector in 1823 reported that no endowments or funds for the
purposes of education existed in the district.

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