The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

The Ancient Art of


Good people strengthen themselves ceaselessly.


"Time is passing quickly," said Julian before pouring himself
another cup of tea. "The morning will soon be upon us. Do you
want me to continue or have you had enough for one night?"
There was no way that I was going to let this man, who held
such gems of wisdom within his grasp, stop without completing his
story. At the outset, his tale seemed fantastic. But as I listened to
him, as I absorbed the ageless philosophy that had been bestowed
upon him, I came to believe deeply in what he was saying. These
were not the superficial self-serving ruminations of some two-bit
huckster. Julian was the real thing. He clearly walked his talk. And
his message rang true. I trusted him.
"Please continue, Julian, I have all the time in the world. The
kids are sleeping at their grandparents' house tonight, and Jenny

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