The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

(Dana P.) #1

tomorrow night, this time at your house. Then I'll tell you all that
you need to know to put far more living into your life. Is that fair?"
"Yeah, I guess if I've done without it all these years, waiting
another twenty-four hours won't kill me," I responded with
And with that, the master litigator turned enlightened yogi of
the East was gone, leaving me with a mind full of unanswered
questions and unfinished thoughts.
As I sat in my office quietly, I realized how small our world
really was. I thought about the vast pool of knowledge that I had
not even begun to dip my fingers into. I thought about how it
might feel to regain my own zest for living, and about the curiosity
I had had when I was younger. I would love to feel more alive and
to bring unbridled energy to my days. Maybe I too would leave the
legal profession. Maybe there was a higher calling for me as well?
With these weighty considerations on my mind, I turned out the
lights, locked the door to my office and walked out into the thick
heat of another summer's night.

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