Organic Waste Recycling

(WallPaper) #1

Aquatic weeds and their utilization 365

Sampling period and comments May 1974-May1976 June 1976-September 1977 Odors at night

Effluent pH values 9.37.1

Dissolved oxygen, (mg/L) 6.92.3 0 2.0 0.5

Eff. 2.11.6

TP (mg/L) Inf. 2.93.7

Eff. 5.2 3.4

TN (mg/L) Inf. 9.812.0

Eff. 4910 776 5315 11 9

Suspended solid




Inf. 7097 140125 4949 188 40

Eff. 177 5723 3714 18 12






Inf. 91110 127161 5050 44 42

Location National Space Te

chnology Lab:

Table 7.10 Summary of influent/effluent characteri Before hyacinths After hyacinths Lucedale, Miss.: Before hyacinths After hyacinths Orange Grove, Miss.: Without hyacinths With hyacinths Cedar Lake, Miss. (duckweed) Williamson Creek, Tex.: Full-scale

stics of aquatic weed wastewater treatment systems

a Only partial cover and limited preliminary data b Experimental units not fully operational From O’Brien (1981); reproduced by permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers
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