376 Organic waste recycling: technology and management
for certain plants but water lettuce seems to be the most common host, followed
by water hyacinth then Azolla and duckweeds.
An effective way to prevent breeding of mosquito in the pond is to stock fish
that feed on mosquito larvae. Successful control was reported by culturing fish
S. Mossambicus in water spinach ponds and Gambusia affinis in water hyacinth
ponds (Edwards 1980; Wolverton et al. 1975).
Biological accumulation in aquatic weeds will occur when wastewater
containing pesticides and heavy metals are treated, thus reducing their potential
as food and as for agricultural purposes. Wastewaters containing toxic materials
should be pretreated to remove these specific contaminants or other alternatives
for treatment and recovery has to be considered.
7.9 References
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