Organic Waste Recycling

(WallPaper) #1

428 Organic waste reuse and recycling: technology and management

Runoff = 4683 mm/year
Application rate = 4 x 2.54 cm/week

Assuming that the wastewater is applied continuously:
4 x 2.54 x 10-2
Liquid loading rate = m/day = 0.0145 m/day

100 m^3 /d
Area required = = 6889 m^2

Choose the land area required = 7000 m^2

7 x 10^3 x 4.683
Total run off from site = m^3 /day = 89.8 m^3 /day

c) If there should not be any run off from the land, then from equation 8.3,
wastewater applied = 400 + 1200 - 1000 = 600 mm/year which is less than
the liquid loading rate in (b).

No. of days in one cycle = 14 days
No. of cycle in year = 26
Wastewater flow rate to be applied = mm/cycle
No. of days of application/cycle = 3 days

Application rate = mm/day = 7.7 mm/day during the 3 days
application period.

If the application area is 14 ha, wastewater flow rate to be applied during the
application period is 0.0077 × 14 × 10^4 =1078 m^3 /day which is greater than the
available flow rate of 100 m^3 /day.

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