As for the Quran, it relates Abraham's pray:::r:
a my Lord! J have made some of my offspring dwelt in a vanc}' without
cultivation, by Your sacred House; in order, 0 our Lord, that they may
estabhsh regular prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with lu\'l'
toWllrd them, and feed them with fruits, so that they rna)' give thanks. 0
our Lord! Truly Yo u know what we conceal and what we reveal: fo r noth-
ing whatever is hidden fro m God, whether on earth o r ill heaven. Praisc be
to God, Who has granted me in old age Ishmael and Isaac: for truly my
Lord is He, the Hearer of Prayet1^6
On a purely facruallcvcl, th e Prophet Muhammad is a descendant o f
Ishmael's children and is therefore part of that "great nation" announced
by th e Scriptures. Abraham is hence his "father" in the p rimary sense, and
Islamic tradition understands that the blessings of this father's p rayers
extend to his descendant the LaSt Prophet as well as to the p lace where
he left H agar and Ishmael, where, a few years later, he was [0 undergo the
terrible trial of his son's sacrifice, and w here he was finally to raise with
him God's sacred House (the Kaba). Quranic Revelation recounts:
And remember that Abra ham was tried bv his Lord with certain com-
mands, which he fulfilled. [God! said: " I will make you a gillde fo r the peo-
pit." [Abraham] said: "And also for my offspring?" [God] said: "But My
promise is not within the reach of e\'i ldo~rs. Remember We made the
H ouse a place o f assemblr for men and women and a place of safety. And
take the station of Abraham as a place of prayer. And We co\'enam ed with
Abraham and Ishmael, that they should sanctify ]\ {y I lo use for those who
go round it, or use it as a retreat, o r bow, o r prostrate themseh-es [there in
pnlyerJ." And remember Abraham said: "]\·Iy Lord, make [his a cit}' of
p eace, and feed irs people with fruits-such o f them as believe in God and
the LaSt Day.,, 7
This is the millenary teaching of Islamic tradition: there is a God and
a line of prophets whose central figure is Abraham, the archetype of the
Muslim, the blood father of this lineage of Ishmael leadmg up to
Muhammad. Abraham and Ishmael sanctified this place in Bacca (Mecca)
by building God 's House (h'!J'f Allab) with their own hands. And this is