In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

AI Htlllft. 0 ,," Thtrt^197

race, social class, or gender, for the only thing that distinguishes them lies
in what they do with themselves, with their intelligence, their qualities, and
most of all their hean. \Vherever they come fro m, whether they are Arabs
or n o t; whateve r the ir color, b lack, white, o r any other; whatc \'er their
social statuS, rich o r poor; whether they are men o r women, hwnan beings
stand o ut by th e attentio n they show their htlCt, their spiritual education,
the control of the ego, and the blosso ming of faith, dignity, goodness,
nobleness of soul, and, for coherence's sake, commitment among their
fellow human beings in the name o f their principles. In front o f thou-
sands of pilgrims of all origins, slaves as well as trihal chiefs, men as well
as \-'Omen, the Pro phet bore witness that he had fulfilled his mission in
the light of the One's message, and all the believers testified with one
voice that they had received and understood its meaning and contents.
A few ho urs later, the Prophet received the sudden Revelation of th e
verse that confirmed that his missio n was nearing its end: "This day have
I perfected your religion for you, co mpletl."<i My favor upon you, and have
chosen for yo u Islam as your religion."45 The last cycle o f prophethood
was drawing to its close, and the Messenger was to rerum to the place of
his election, his home beyond this life, in proximity IV du.:: Olll::.

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