208 1" fIN Footr~ps of tile Prophtt
Attention {O hygiene thus accompanied God's Messenger until his ver),
last momentS, for he knew how important it is to keep one's body fit and
in go o d health. T hroughout life, that body has rights over the being and
conscience to whom it has been offered as a gi ft from God, a present.
One must ?rovidc for its need fo r tenderness, gentleness, or sexual anco·
tion, just as one must keep it fit, surround it wi th good hygiene, and pro-
tect it carefully from all that could affect i ts balance or cause it illness.
Hygiene and responding to the body's need s are two dimensions and con-
ditions of spiritual elevation, and so during the final moments oj the
Prophet's life he: n:i,:c.:ivcJ u::nJ clIl ess and brushed his lceth vigorousl),;
even tho ugh the consequences of that final attentio n to the bod y would
no longer be seen by any human being on eanh, God knew the intention
behind the gesture. T he Prophet had oace declared that one of the ques-
tio ns believers would be asked on the Day o f Judgm ent was what use t.hey
had made of their bodies.^27 As opposed to all the illusions of penonal
possession, the body is basically a trust temporarily offered to each being,
and here tOO, o ne must clear one's debt before departing.
The Prophet closed his eyes. Aishah was holding him against her, and
she heard him whisper: " In Paradise, in ~uprelIlt Ulliull ... " Then he recit-
ed the end of the verse: "In th e company o f those o n whom is the G race
of God ---{he Prophets, the sincere, the man yrs, and the righteous; how
beautiful is their companyl"z.g He again repea ted th ree times: "In su preme
union!" 29 His fo rearm sud denly sa nk d own and his head became heavier,
and Aishah understood that the Prophet had JUSt breathed hi s last. H e had
d eparted to join his Lord, his Educator, his Friend, Who had called him
back to H imself to It:[ him at l ast find ultimate peace, beyond the world
o f human beings to whom he had been sent to b ring the final m essage
from the I\'!ost G racio us. Since that day, the spiritual l;uliuIlunilY of
believers has never ceased, all o ver the world and thro ugh the ages, to
salute the last Prophet and recite, with all their hean and love: " God and
His angels send bleSSings o n the Prophet. 0 you that believe! Send oless-
ings on him, and salute him with all respecr.,,30
- me news of his death spread through i\kdina and caused infinite sorrow.
Faces showed dismay; t~ar~, ~l)l>~, :llld som e time::; Screams expressed the