Mmp-h, 161, 16S-70, 187 , 2200,
16, 226n. 13, 229n, 6
l>hrr"n, 175
morri'ge, 22 _24 , 163, 2Ll, 227n.
l-lar;' (.urili), (()-I)1
)'-h),mun.h, 170-71, 205
lIby .. nh,23
.nd Ab .. lum, 2, 3----4
"J''''''''J' of • .,1)' Muslim"
.,uch ~" on ,\IOOin., 136 _38
hattl. o f B. d" 10 S-7
Chri,ti. n communi,)" 26
com'e,,"'" in, 74, 2.29n 3
""'tom" 10-11
gcndor rd.tion. in, 11>8
... d the b"l/, 9,150-51,151-53,
17 0-71, 191, 1 9S-97
and idob,ry, 16
intwrib:tl eonl1ic~ 20 , 95
mar"", .. , 46
).-fuhamm.d', f<turn '0, 181
and night ptty.r, 42-4.1
!",e"~" '!u<lirm, 129
aDd per<eCl,rion of M"4m .. 59
roehm.lion of, 17 t>---79
rel.\ion, w ith ~tOOina, %-97
Modin., S" .:1,. Yathrib
.dju'ttncnt to, 95---%
l\l-Raqi gr""e)~rd, 205
.nd the lI""u Q'pmq" W7_9,
131, 162
battle of RaJr, I04--S, 105---7
""d eo",v.n .. l00-Hl3
Chri.ti.ns in, 224n. 14
""d the COycn.n, of 01-
lIud:l)'bi),y.h, 1 59-60
""d ,he di,..ct"" of P"')"", 73,
emigf1cion to, 62, 81
gender rdorion. in, 168
hrpocrit •• in, 78, 91 - 92
,00 ,h. hi>mic en, A7
Jeu,;.h rorrununity in, 89-91
legol di'pu'e., 133
0\00' , 137 - 38. 13S-39, 139-42
mu."in of, 4(,
Muru.rnmad «tum to, 1'19
Muhommod's family in, 15
Mu,lim gmup. in, 87---S9, 223n.
name> • of, 82
plo" -.gain", 100
,tl.lions with M.cco, %-97
return of exiled Mu<lirm, 165
.Dd Rev ... tion, 97'19
oDd S,afiyyah, 163
social cmtoms, H5
tribol ,.I,u"", in, 95, 9&-97,
111, 129
lim S,ab,m>.h'. '''',·el, to, 77
medil1ltion and con'emplation,
Melchi'e Orthodo~}', 115
m«cy, 192
rnes<eng<'rs. I , 7, 218n, I
Miknz, 154
mib .. ,y"'",,'!;)', 137 -38, 189-90,
5 .. alto "".dore
military , .. (ji~), 189 _ 90. 230n,
l\\in~..-co, " 74
mif1ck., x
m oat .. .'IIedin. , 137_38,138-39,
mnde,t)', 11 7, 120, 148
monks, 1 9-20, 33, I 16, 201
and Ab-rah. m, I, 9, 195
. nd the K.b., 9
ond the Negu' of Aby.';";o,
On"" ... of God (f4~iJ), 1, 39,
4l1-41, 161, 191
... d synerrti,m, 222 ... 10
.nd W"''f'h ibn Nowf.J, 9
.l\d the y.thrih Je,,", 57
morills and mornli'}" 22, 32-33, 44,
83. of ... "Ii. crhin
""d Aaron, 188
.od til>e",tion of ,he Jews, 86
on ~t(}unt Sin .. , 64
and prayer, 223n, 11
and propbemond, 1,55,57- 58
ond Revei>tion" JO
,"'ru. in 1,I.m, H9, 115
mosques, 83 84, 19 1, 230n, 2S
;),\ount .,-S.fa, 38, 178
Moun t of Merc)' (J.wl ~,.lV,blft,h),
1 %,212
;),Iount Sin.i, 64
;),\u.dh ibnJ.h.J, 114, 179, 199
<tt'~, 46, 93
,\tugbitth ibn al. Harith, 225n, 18
~Iuh.jirun Muilims. 92-93, 96,
101, 119, 123, 223n. 8
Muh.mmoJ ibn M.,I",,'ah, 131
.\fundhir ilm S." .. , 161
Muq'''-qi" 161, 169
Mum (clan), 165---67
Mus.h ibn Urn.)'r, 75
Muslim calendar, 10
Mum, b."I. of,. 17 1_ 74 , 201 - 2
Mutim. 70. 75
Mutt.lih (cl.n), 6(;
N""ir (d.n), U()_32, 136, 140 ,
143, 146, 162, 202
N.jd, 137
Nojnn eh",ti,,,,, 114--17, 23On.
Nakhlah " ,}", %-97
n.moo, lolanuc, 159-60. 219n. 9
nome> o f God, 40
n.mos of the Proph.,
Abu .1.Q .. im, 219nn 8
AI_.\tu,,,,f., 21t)." 19
.. -Sad.q al-Atrun, 22-23. 25
A •. Siddiy,72 tho Abduli>.h, 4
N.mus, JO
.nd the aftefiife, 4.>_44
.nd edue.tion. 1 2-14, 1 34-35
Muhamm,d .. rchtlonship ",th.
1 2- 14
.nd sigtH ""d visions, 2t>---27
.nd w.rr.,.., 131 - 32, 202-3
N.,,'fal (d.n), I()
Negu. (AlI}', .. ni.n ,ule,), 59 -60,
6fI...66, 161
NigbtJournr), to Joruso1em, 15,
70-7 4 ,223" , 10
nigh, p",yer, SS, 111, 136, 14\1-50
No.h, 1, 1(,9
The Nocturn.l VO) .. ge (sur:1.h),
70-74 , S" "'" Night Journey
to J«u,alem
""",.ds, 10 _11, 12. J't< "Iro
N\L1)"m ibn Abdullih, 63
l\ ua)"tn ib n ",",ud. 143
l\ufa)"uh, 23, 34
Nu..yhoh h,nt K.h, 1 23-2~,
o.,h, ,~ to Muhamm. d, 1 53---54, 15 7,
Onene" of God (t""WI). 1, 39,
4 0--lJ, 161, 19\
oppression, J'" P''''w:ution .nd
oration. nd "ral tt:ildinoo, 12,
orph.nhood of Muhamm.d, 11,
1 6-17,33-34
Pact of Bruthe.rhood, 92_93
poc, of the vir",ou," 20-22
I"",;ve ,..,,,,,n«, 97
poticnce, 54, 58 , U. 97, 118 , 211
.lId detn~tIC)', 166-67
ond the e",'ett.", of aI·
Hud.ybin"llh, 15 7_ 58, 15 7_ 59,
16 1-62
jihail ond .pt.:!, 'i'J
and justice, 212
.nd the K h,,),b .. expcrution, 163
aOO responsibilities of Mu,lims,
Tho Pon (ou .. h), 31
people of ,he l>eo~h (~hl """'JJab),
114,117, 170, 226n, 14
people of the Book (aM ~~/w,,"),