In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Oxfmd Univenil}" Press, inc., publ;shc~ 1'/OtXs th~t
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C.opyright 0 2007 by Oxford Univcnity PIl"', Inc.
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Library o f Congre .. C.taloging-in-Publ;catinn Data
fuunulan, Tanq.
In , he fo<){sfCPS of the prophet: leSI<HIS from the life of Muhammad I
Tan,,! R2madan.
p. cm. Include, bibliographIcal referencel Qnd inde:.;.
ISRN- 1 3: 978.o). 19-53OllSo..

  1. Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632----ApprecIlH;on.
    2. Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632----Ethics.

  2. Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632-THdungs.

  3. MUilims-ConduCI of life.

  4. IslmUc "thies.
    I. Tttle.
    BPi6.2R36 2007
    IH] 2()()(,(1260JO

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