60 In tbt Foof!f~1 r1 the Prophtf
emissaries, Amr ibn al~As and Abdullah ibn Rabiah, in o rder to dissuade
him from granting those immigrants his pro tection and to convince him
to send thcm back to Mecca. The two emissaries went to the Negus's
court, carrying maoy presents that they knew to be particularly valued by
Abyssinian dignitaries. They met the dignitaries onc by one, gave them the
gifts, and received assurances of their support when the Meccans submit-
ted their request to the king.
Facing the Negus
Arnr ibn ai-As and Abdullah ibn Rabiah would have liked the king to agree
to send the Muslims back without even hearing the migrants' casco The
Negus refused, arguing that those who had chosen him to protect them had
the right to present their casco He called for an audience that would include
the emissaries from Mecca and a delegation of Muslim immigrants. The lat-
ter group chose Jafar ibn Abi Talib, who was wise and a good sp eaker, [Q
represent them and answer the king's questions. The king asked them about
the cause of their exile and particularly about the contents of the new mes-
sage brought by the P rophet. Jafar explained [Q the king the basic principles
contained in Revelation and embodied in Muhammad's teaching: faith in
one God, the rejection of idol worship, the injunction to respect kinship
ties, to say the truth, to oppose injustice, and so on. Jafar added that it was
because of this message that the Quraysh people persecuted the 1 -[uslims,
and this was why they had decided to seek refuge in Abyssinia near the
Negus, who W!lS reputed to be a just and tolerant ruler.
The king asked Jafar whether he had a copy of or could recite a pas-
sage from the text of Revelation brought by the Prophet. Jafar answered
in the affirmative and started to recite some verses from the surah
"Maryam" (Mary):
Relate in the Book [the story o~ Mary, when she withdrew from her fam-
ily [0 a place in the East. She placed a screen [to screen hersel~ from them:
then Wle sem to her o ur angd, and he appeared to h er as a man in all
respects. She said: " I seek refuge from you in the shelter of the Most
Gracious, if you fear Him." H e said: " I am only a messenger from your
Lord [to announce] to you the gift of a pure son." She said: "How shall I