xviii Poetry for Students
photograph. The Library of Congress.—Frost,
Robert, photograph. The Library of Congress.—
Graham, Jorie, photograph. AP/Wide World
Photos. Reproduced by permission.—Hughes,
Langston, photograph. AP/Wide World Photos.
Reproduced by permission.—Nemerov, Howard,
photograph. Corbis-Bettmann/Oscar White. Repro-
duced by permission.—Owen, Wilfred with young
boy, photograph. © Hulton-Duetsch Collection/
CORBIS. Reproduced by permission.—Rexroth,
Kenneth, photograph. AP/Wide World Photos. Re-
produced by permission.—Rossetti, Christina, por-
trait by James Collinson.—Rukeyser, Muriel,
photograph. AP/Wide World Photos. Reproduced
by permission.—Taylor, Henry, photograph. AP/
Wide World Photos. Reproduced by permission.