186 Poetry for Students
Taylor underscores the inherent tension in the
speaker’s voice. This tension is underscored by the
repeated use of the speaker’s rhetorical question,
“How would it be?” Rhetorical questions are ques-
tions used for effect and are not asked in order to
be answered.
Historical Context.
In 1980 Americans elected as president Ronald
Reagan, a conservative Republican and former ac-
tor best known for his strident anti-communism and
telegenic presence. Reagan appealed to both tradi-
tional conservative Republicans as well as work-
ing-class Democrats, who saw in him a no-non-
sense leader committed to limiting the federal
government’s interference with state government
and the individual. Republicans also captured con-
trol of the Senate for the first time since 1952. The
economic policies of Reagan’s administration,
sometimes derisively called “Reaganomics,” in-
cluded massive tax cuts, which in turn led to a bal-
looning federal budget deficit. The administration
acted to speed up deregulation of such industries
as airlines, banking, and domestic oil production to
foster competition and lower prices for consumers.
Claiming that federal programs for the needy
sapped their initiative, Reagan instituted “welfare
reform.” In 1984 the country re-elected Reagan,
who soundly defeated Walter Mondale and his run-
ning mate, Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to
be nominated for a national office by a major party.
Though Taylor wrote and published the poem
in the 1980s, the event on which “Landscape with
Tractor” is based occurred in the late 1960s or early
1970s, according to the poet. However, it wasn’t
Taylor who found the body on his land, but an em-
ployee of Taylor’s father who worked on the
Taylor family farm. Until this day, the woman’s
identity remains unknown, as do the exact circum-
stances of her death. Taylor recalled hearing the
story from his father while he was still teaching at
the University of Utah, where he was on the fac-
Landscape with Tractor
- 1985:Cellular phones are introduced into auto-
Today:Due to the increase in accidents caused
by people driving while talking on their cellu-
lar phones, some states and cities are consider-
ing making it a crime to drive and talk.
- 1970:The rate for murder and non-negligent
manslaughter in the United States is 7.9 per one
hundred thousand people.
1980:The rate for murder and non-negligent
manslaughter in the United States is 10.2 per one
hundred thousand people.
1990:The rate for murder and non-negligent
manslaughter in the United States is 9.4 per one
hundred thousand people.
1995:The rate for murder and non-negligent
manslaughter in the United States is 8.2 per one
hundred thousand people.
- 1980:A mentally ill fan, Mark Chapman, fatally
shoots former BeatleJohn Lennon outside his
apartment in New York City.
1981:A mentally ill man, John Hinkley, Jr.,
shoots President Reagan and three others. All
1995:Former football star, O.J. Simpson is ac-
quitted after being accused of murdering his
wife, Nicole Simpson, and her friend. The trial
is marked by racial tension.
- 1980:Reagan names Elizabeth Dole as his Sec-
retary of Transportation.
1984:Walter Mondale names Geraldine Ferraro
as his running mate for president of the United
States, the first time a woman is nominated for
a national office by a major party.
1999:Elizabeth Dole runs in the presidential pri-
maries, faring poorly before she bows out.