Poetry for Students Vol. 10

(Martin Jones) #1

Keats, John
Bright Star! Would I Were
Steadfast as Thou Art:V9
Ode on a Grecian Urn: V1
Ode to a Nightingale: V3
When I Have Fears that I May
Cease to Be: V2
Kenyon, Jane
“Trouble with Math in a One-
Room Country School”:V9
King James Bible
Psalm 8:V9
Psalm 23:V4
Kinnell, Galway
Saint Francis and the Sow:V9
Kooser, Ted
The Constellation Orion: V8
Komunyakaa, Yusef
Facing It: V5
Kubla Khan(Coleridge): V5

l(a(cummings): V1
Lament for the Dorsets(Purdy): V5
Landscape with Tractor (Taylor):V10
Larkin, Philip
High Windows: V3
Lawrence, D. H.
Piano: V6
Levertov, Denise
In the Land of Shinar:V7
Leviathan(Merwin): V5
Levine, Philip
Starlight: V8
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
A Psalm of Life:V7
Paul Revere’s Ride: V2
Lord Randal (Anonymous): V6
Lost Sister(Song): V5
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(Eliot): V1
Lowell, Robert
For the Union Dead:V7
The Quaker Graveyard in
Nantucket: V6

MacBeth, George
Bedtime Story: V8
MacLeish, Archibald
Ars Poetica: V5
Madgett, Naomi Long
Alabama Centennial:V10
The Man He Killed(Hardy): V3
A Martian Sends a Postcard Home
(Raine): V7
Marvell, Andrew
To His Coy Mistress: V5

Masefield, John
Cargoes: V5
Matsuo Basho ̄
Falling Upon Earth: V2
The Moon Glows the Same:V7
McCrae, John
In Flanders Fields: V5
McElroy, Colleen
A Pièd: V3
McGinley, Phyllis
Reactionary Essay on Applied
McKay, Claude
The Tropics in New York:V4
Meeting the British (Muldoon): V7
Mending Wall(Frost): V5
Merriam, Eve
Onomatopoeia: V6
Merwin, W. S.
Leviathan: V5
Midnight(Heaney): V2
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
The Courage That My Mother
Had: V3
Milton, John
[On His Blindness] Sonnet 16: V3
Mirror(Plath): V1
Miss Rosie(Clifton): V1
The Missing (Gunn): V9
Momaday, N. Scott
Angle of Geese: V2
The Moon Glows the Same (Basho ̄):
“More Light! More Light!” (Hecht):
Mother to Son(Hughes): V3
Muldoon, Paul
Meeting the British:V7
Mueller, Lisel
The Exhibit:V9
Musée des Beaux Arts(Auden): V1
Music Lessons (Oliver): V8
My Last Duchess(Browning): V1
My Life Closed Twice Before Its
Close (Dickinson): V8
My Papa’s Waltz(Roethke): V3

Names of Horses (Hall): V8
The Negro Speaks of Rivers
Nemerov, Howard
The Phoenix:V10
Not Waving but Drowning(Smith): V3
Nothing Gold Can Stay(Frost): V3
Noyes, Alfred
The Highwayman:V4

O Captain! My Captain!(Whitman):

Ode on a Grecian Urn (Keats): V1
Ode to a Nightingale(Keats): V3
Ode to the West Wind(Shelley): V2
O’Hara, Frank
Why I Am Not a Painter: V8
old age sticks(cummings): V3
Old Ironsides (Holmes): V9
Oliver, Mary
Music Lessons: V8
[On His Blindness] Sonnet 16
Ondaatje, Michael
To a Sad Daughter: V8
Onomatopoeia (Merriam): V6
On the Pulse of Morning(Angelou):
Ortiz, Simon
Hunger in New York City:V4
Out, Out— (Frost):V10
Owen, Wilfred
Dulce et Decorum Est:V10
Oysters(Sexton): V4

Pastan, Linda
Ethics: V8
Paul Revere’s Ride(Longfellow): V2
The Phoenix (Nemerov):V10
Piano(Lawrence): V6
Piercy, Marge
Barbie Doll:V9
Plath, Sylvia
Mirror: V1
A Psalm of Life(Longfellow): V7
Poe, Edgar Allan
Annabel Lee:V9
The Bells: V3
The Raven: V1
Pound, Ezra
In a Station of the Metro: V2
The River-Merchant’s Wife: A
Psalm 8 (King James Bible): V9
Psalm 23(King James Bible): V4
Purdy, Al
Lament for the Dorsets: V5

The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket
(Lowell): V6
Queen-Ann’s-Lace (Williams): V6

Raine, Craig
A Martian Sends a Postcard
Randall, Dudley
Ballad of Birmingham: V5
The Raven(Poe): V1

Volume 10 261


Cumulative Author/Title Index

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