Nationality/Ethnicity Index
Acoma Pueblo
Ortiz, Simon
Hunger in New York City: V4
African American
Angelou, Maya
Harlem Hopscotch: V2
On the Pulse of Morning: V3
Baraka, Amiri
In Memory of Radio: V9
Brooks, Gwendolyn
The Bean Eaters: V2
The Sonnet-Ballad: V1
Strong Men, Riding Horses: V4
We Real Cool: V6
Clifton, Lucille
Miss Rosie: V1
Cullen, Countee
Any Human to Another: V3
Dove, Rita
This Life: V1
Hayden, Robert
Those Winter Sundays: V1
Hughes, Langston
Harlem: V1
Mother to Son: V3
The Negro Speaks of Rivers: V10
Theme for English B: V6
Johnson, James Weldon
The Creation: V1
Komunyakaa, Yusef
Facing It: V5
Madgett, Naomi Long
Alabama Centennial: V10
McElroy, Colleen
A Pièd: V3
Randall, Dudley
Ballad of Birmingham: V5
Reed, Ishmael
Beware: Do Not Read This Poem:
Angelou, Maya
Harlem Hopscotch: V2
On the Pulse of Morning: V3
Auden, W. H.
As I Walked Out One Evening: V4
Musée des Beaux Arts: V1
The Unknown Citizen: V3
Bishop, Elizabeth
Brazil, January 1, 1502: V6
Blumenthal, Michael
Bly, Robert
Come with Me: V6
Bradstreet, Anne
To My Dear and Loving Husband:
Brooks, Gwendolyn
The Bean Eaters: V2
The Sonnet-Ballad: V1
Strong Men, Riding Horses: V4
We Real Cool: V6
Clifton, Lucille
Miss Rosie: V1
Crane, Stephen
War Is Kind: V9
Cullen, Countee
Any Human to Another: V3
cummings, e. e.
l(a: V1
old age sticks: V3
Dickey, James
The Heaven of Animals: V6
Dickinson, Emily
Because I Could Not Stop for
Death: V2
The Bustle in a House: V10
“Hope” Is the Thing with
Feathers: V3
I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I
Died—: V5
My Life Closed Twice Before Its
Close: V8
The Soul Selects Her Own
Society: V1
There’s a Certain Slant of Light:
This Is My Letter to the World: V4
Dove, Rita
This Life: V1
Dugan, Alan
How We Heard the Name: V10
Eliot, T. S.
Journey of the Magi:V7
The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock: V1
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Concord Hymn: V4
Frost, Robert
The Death of the Hired Man: V4
Fire and Ice:V7
Mending Wall: V5
Nothing Gold Can Stay: V3
Out, Out—: V10
The Road Not Taken: V2
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening: V1
The Wood-Pile: V6
Volume 10 263
Cumulative Nationality/Ethnicity Index