Poetry for Students Vol. 10

(Martin Jones) #1

Musée des Beaux Arts: V1
The Unknown Citizen: V3
Blake, William
The Tyger: V2
Bradstreet, Anne
To My Dear and Loving Husband:
Brooke, Rupert
The Soldier:V7
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Sonnet 43: V2
Browning, Robert
My Last Duchess: V1
Byron, Lord
The Destruction of
Sennacherib: V1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Kubla Khan: V5
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner:
Donne, John
Holy Sonnet 10: V2
Eliot, T. S.
Journey of the Magi:V7
The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock: V1
Gray, Thomas
Elegy Written in a Country
Churchyard: V9
Gunn, Thom
The Missing: V9
Hardy, Thomas
Ah, Are You Digging on My
Grave?: V4
The Man He Killed: V3
Housman, A. E.
To an Athlete Dying Young:V7
When I Was One-and-Twenty: V4
Hughes, Ted
Hawk Roosting: V4
Keats, John
Bright Star! Would I Were
Steadfast as Thou Art: V9
Ode on a Grecian Urn: V1
Ode to a Nightingale: V3
When I Have Fears that I May
Cease to Be: V2
Larkin, Philip
High Windows: V3
Toads: V4
Lawrence, D. H.
Piano: V6
Marvell, Andrew
To His Coy Mistress: V5
Masefield, John
Cargoes: V5
Milton, John
[On His Blindness] Sonnet 16: V3
Noyes, Alfred
The Highwayman: V4
Owen, Wilfred
Dulce et Decorum Est: V10
Raine, Craig

A Martian Sends a Postcard
Service, Robert W.
The Cremation of Sam McGee: V10
Shakespeare, William
Sonnet 18: V2
Sonnet 19: V9
Sonnet 30: V4
Sonnet 29: V8
Sonnet 55: V5
Sonnet 116: V3
Sonnet 130: V1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Ode to the West Wind: V2
Smith, Stevie
Not Waving but Drowning: V3
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
The Charge of the Light
Brigade: V1
Tears, Idle Tears: V4
Ulysses: V2
Williams, William Carlos
Queen-Ann’s-Lace: V6
The Red Wheelbarrow: V1
Wordsworth, William
Lines Composed a Few Miles
above Tintern Abbey: V2
Yeats, W. B.
Easter 1916: V5
An Irish Airman Forsees His
Death: V1
Sailing to Byzantium: V2
The Second Coming:V7

Blumenthal, Michael
Mueller, Lisel
The Exhibit: V9
Roethke, Theodore
My Papa’s Waltz: V3

Hartnett, Michael
A Farewell to English: V10
Heaney, Seamus
Digging: V5
A Drink of Water: V8
Midnight: V2
Muldoon, Paul
Meeting the British:V7
Yeats, William Butler
Easter 1916: V5
An Irish Airman Foresees His
Death: V1
Sailing to Byzantium: V2
The Second Coming: V7

Alleyn, Ellen
A Birthday: V10

McKay, Claude
The Tropics in New York: V4

Basho ̄, Matsuo
Falling Upon Earth: V2
The Moon Glows the Same:V7

Blumenthal, Michael
Piercy, Marge
Barbie Doll: V9
Shapiro, Karl
Auto Wreck: V3

Momaday, N. Scott
Angle of Geese: V2

Soto, Gary
Small Town with One Road:V7

Native American
Momaday, N. Scott
Angle of Geese: V2
Ortiz, Simon
Hunger in New York City: V4
Revard, Carter
Birch Canoe: V5
Silko, Leslie Marmon
Four Mountain Wolves: V9

Revard, Carter
Birch Canoe: V5

Levertov, Denise
In the Land of Shinar:V7
Merriam, Eve
Onomatopoeia: V6
Shapiro, Karl
Auto Wreck: V3

Burns, Robert
A Red, Red Rose: V8
Byron, Lord
The Destruction of
Sennacherib: V1
MacBeth, George
Bedtime Story: V8

Volume 10 265

West Indian

Cumulative Nationality/Ethnicity Index

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