Poetry for Students Vol. 10

(Martin Jones) #1

22 Poetry for Students

before. Public cynicism was generally high, with
the fiasco of the Vietnam War and the Watergate
scandal in the White House undermining faith in
government. In a 1975 survey, 69% of Americans
said they believed that over the past decade lead-
ers had consistently lied to the people.
The 1970s were, furthermore, a time of severe
economic problems for the United States. This
brought a conservative backlash as well as urban
riots and white flight to the suburbs. While the
struggles of the civil rights movement of the 1960s
had led to significant legislative changes, it failed
to translate into greater economic equality for peo-
ple of color in the 1970s. Feminism was perhaps

the most vital social movement of the decade, but
it too failed to bring economic equality for women.
In the 1970s, the American underclass was in-
creasingly black and female.

East Harlem
In contrast to its general historical setting, the
poem is set in a very particular geographical place,
East Harlem. At the time when Rukeyser wrote the
poem she was working with the Writers’ and
Teachers’ Collaborative, which was located in East
Harlem. The poem is likely based on an autobio-
graphical anecdote. Rukeyser was born in New
York and never ranged far from her hometown.

Ballad of Orange and Grape




  • 1973:The last American troops are withdrawn
    from Vietnam, ending a period of great social
    unrest associated with anti-war activism.
    1990:Iraq invades Kuwait under the command
    of President Saddam Hussein. The U.S. re-
    sponds by working through the United Nations
    and sending troops to Saudi Arabia. Amidst
    protest from other governments, the U.S. and al-
    lies attack Iraq and liberate Kuwait. Public sen-
    timent in America is strongly in favor of the dis-
    play of U.S. military might. Hussein remains in

  • 1973:In a decision known asRoe v. Wadethe
    U.S. Supreme Court declares unconstitutional
    state laws that prohibit abortion up until the sixth
    month of pregnancy. Feminists hail the decision
    as one of the most significant strides for
    women’s rights of the century.

1990s:After decades of being legal, abortion re-
mains one of the most controversial and divi-
sive issues in American politics. In some parts
of the country there are no health care providers
who will perform abortions. The number of
abortions performed is in decline.

  • 1973: President Richard Nixon denies any
    knowledge of the illegal events surrounding the

Watergate scandal, in which members of his
administration have been indicted. Televised
hearings rivet public attention. A year later,
among calls for his impeachment, Nixon

1999:President Bill Clinton, after initially deny-
ing an extra-marital affair with a young intern,
admits to some sexual contact with her. Because
he stated in a separate case that they had had no
sexual relations, he is impeached by Congress
for lying under oath. Impeachment means to ac-
cuse and try a government official. Clinton un-
dergoes an impeachment trial in the U.S. Sen-
ate, but the charges fail to achieve the necessary
two-thirds majority of votes needed to remove
the president from office.

  • 1973:Already facing economic troubles, Amer-
    icans confront an energy crisis that leads to high
    prices and rationing. Combined cutbacks in gas,
    home heating, and transportation fuel lead to the
    loss of an additional 100,000 U.S. jobs.

2000:Amidst a period of unprecedented eco-
nomic prosperity in the United States, the price
of petroleum products surges. Home heating
fuel and gasoline prices nearly double in some
parts of the country.
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