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(Rick Simeone) #1

then break off all relations (worldly)

O’ yogi! Cry not at the door of the friend

Beg divine knowledge from those

who know but pretend to know not.

،ڙðw òئôÇ ™Ç í ́ ƒôئن، òڳ𺠀ئëئêô òº

،ڙðº êôÇ êôì ́ §òº ،اÂìjئ‰ íë ‰ئوا òº

.۾ Âôèان òº ³ب¾è ،ڙð ́ êônïj نð ́ í ́

( 4 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

If you aspire to be an ascetic

then break off all relations (worldly)

Attach your soul to him who

“Neither begets nor is begotten”

So that you reach an ultimate objective

in the arena of love.

jئر، òº وھ ـÄ sـ Äj í ́ ƒôئن، òڳ𺠀ئئêô òº

Ç وÂìóي ڏي، جøtìî ن ðîائð





.êôÇ –Ç وڏيھ ،òèئÇ ïëئر، ëئٿ !ëئtëئ

( 4 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

If you aspire to be an ascetic

then observe the traits of the guide

While going to the holy place

forget all desires

O’ yogi! O’ saint!

Search the Lord with extreme yearning.

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