.òº êïìôë ³óئïë íîئë êôïìº ،ðôj êôïì ́ jئڻò
( 1 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Worship is abandoned, and praise not uttered
Where the Lord is summoning none else is there
Only those drink from divine water
who have no limit to love.
Çـ jـ،ـnئران، م، íî÷
!Âìº،ڙا íïéـ Çـ م، ـo
.ـòïsـ،ـڻـِ اڄ ðڻôئنïåئ ، ـôڻئنِ ِـ يرðïº ـ،ـÄ،
( 4 داμÇئن رپ، ÄÇ)
Abandon not remembrance, nor enjoy sound sleep
if the love pangs are more today than were yesterday as
ºئت، ر بê !راول، ¦ðp ،òp jئڻ، م، Ä ئ ðj
وات، !وÄóاڳò jـ،ـä ،òئm ÞôÔå ـبئÇئنåـِ
.ðô ́ êôÈj ٿÄô ́ í ́ èئت، Ä èئري èـ،ـê،
( 7 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Worship not yourself fie O’ friend!
Avoid public recourse to you
O’ Ascetic! “abstain from hypocritical utterance
Annihilate thy self so that to reach your goal.