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(Rick Simeone) #1
whereas malice yields nothing.



ِورائـ ،êôÇ —ـ،ـìـ،ـê وóڳ، ـڻò




ي،و،ر م،




ڳÄي، يھا آòî ،òº ³óاÂî òº يھ


ِÇـ،ـŠـ ́ ـ،ـê


íîئÇ ـò




ºـ،ـê ي،


Æàë ðóèئر


.êôÇ èئٺ

( 8 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

Even if you hear against you with your own ears

counter back not

that is the core of the Guide’s gentle warning

Those who annihilated the “self”

would be rewarded with precious jewels.


،òئƒ ڏاڍو ڏÂìpو ،و،ٽ êôìº ò{óو


.ðº Åîار، ¦ðî äÍئ½ òº ،èـ،ـv ئò Ææ»ـ،ـè Çئ

( 8 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

If your sorrows increase

in association with some one

you must quit that company

even if you receive substantial benefit.

،òئƒ ڏور ڏÂìpو و،ٽ،، êôìº ò{óو

!ّê ́


.ا’qj اڏي اوڏا ،—ـ،ـv êôÇ êôì ́

If your sorrows lessen( 8 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

in association with some one

go and live in their neighbourhood
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