،êóـ،ـÄ وøó ۽ êôî
ا íë يھا
،آíî ì
Çـ،ـ ÷ڳئjئ òÇ
ِـ ا اورóئن ،íî÷
.òº êóـôئر
( 10 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
You halt and delay the journey
it is not love's requirement
Eradicate all such correlation
which stop your progress.
،نðóÂè ـðرائêô èـ êô îئن، êôڻôé
!êóÄkـ Çـ Çـ،ـ~ئïºئ ðèٽ و،ڙا، jئڻ Ä نð ́
Awful deeds always crop up from ( 11 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
O’ gracious Beloved! Return
whatever is worthy of you, do it from your side.
درכ، êô Äي ۾ تÄô½ ðæÍð½
.ò êô Äjوڙي ،رð ðÇ ، á½ وÂìÇ êȽ ðº
( 3 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
The human sense is bewildered
to comprehend the divinity
A blind person can not perceive
the beauty of Truth.