viii, Swan & Goose live no more
،¦ðî ـêôـμـ،ـïـِ ِ́ ـ îـ،ـ¹ì ، اوڙاíî ³º اوðïë
Äي؟ ون Äô ۾ Äئ ðº ،¦ð ئÄôëو ي§
( 1 داμÇئن ئراäó، ÄÇ)
The beautiful swan would be
where the water is deep
Only the ugly birds muddle in the swamp.
ðîر م،
ّjـ،ـð ½ـ،ـÄô،ت، ،êôôـèئÇـِ
و ـôئêِºـ ð{óو
رðïs ـئئئêố ـِ يïsِ ،òî،و ð،ا ðº ðïëو ا
sـ،ـÈـ،ـڳ sـ،ـا ðó
رðïs ،
ڏور م،
. îـ،ـ ڏ،ðôëن
( 1 داμÇئن ئراäó، ÄÇ)
As you ponder, never be nervously amazed
Thereon get into the deep pure water
Walk not around the shore sides
look not on the filthy path.
،¹ìـ،ـî óئ
؟،äô} êóـ،ـ} ـòِـïô ،êôÇ! îئر
،،äô ا ـ،ـÄِ ò،ا ن، ð ́
èـ،ـxئئ¹ô وÄôè
åـ،ـòæ ،،äó ð Çئڻ
.ـêôِjـ،ـئـ ـ åـ êئôº ـ،ـtìـ،ـê
( 1 داμÇئن ئراäó، ÄÇ)
O’ Swan! Why to accompany the ugly birds?
Leave aside dirt, drink only pure water
Don't even enter the swamp with them.