All swans are swans, none of them is impure
They make the pond fragrant
where they even pass a night.
،وôî ðôîر íë ¹ìî ،يÄè ðèر وóئ
.ðº ئÄôëن ðڙن وري، ðô وêÓ
( 1 داμÇئن ئراäó، ÄÇ)
All peacocks are dead, not a single swan survives
Now the malicious Kanero birds
inhabit the mother-land only.
، îـ،ـ¹ì òئðÇ ، Çـ،ـÄ ðÇ،وÄj ðÇ òqj ðÇ
،íï»ìè ئò ð»ìïìj ðèن ،ðóوڙÄj ºئن òïôj
.ـÄيـِ íï»ìè ð èئري ðÇ ، íïڏë» ðº êïìº ڏäó
The bird and the cage are the same( 2 داμÇئن ئراäó، ÄÇ)
the swan and pond too are one
Looking within myself I learnt the secret
The one who is heart broken
is the hunter within one's own self.
۾، ڻjئ êì íë Äjت ،ê ́و ðô وڳÄ
.ðڻïs yôè èئڙìîئئن ،نئôqj ðÈj
( 1 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)
They move about in flocks
they never break away their connections