،òîآ ðôm روòè ،ÄÇ êïëðÇ ،Ä ̧ Óئåا
.ئò ËèئÂîو êôï»ìè íë ،òî÷ òº ́ ئڙي
( 5 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
The entire universe is seeking the Beloved
whose actual fountainhead is His beauty
If they remove their veil of ignorance
they would find His manifestation
within their ownselves.
رîئڻ، òº روòèھ اي ،ÄÇ êïëðÇ ،Ä ̧ Óئåا
òp êóÄj ¦ðj Èjڳ ،
. jئڻ وئئڳ êóÄïj
( 5 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
The entire universe is seeking the Beloved
whose actual fountainhead is His beauty
First annihilate your identity completely
thereafter is manifestation of the Beloved.
را½³،، òº روòèھ يھ
ا ،ÄÇ êïëðÇ ،Ä ̧ Óئåا
.ò êô ðôـ ـ êôì ́ ،،³ـ،ـÇ ڏòz êôìº
( 5 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
The entire universe is seeking the Beloved
whose actual fountainhead is His beauty
Those who witnessed the truth
did utter not any word.