they could see the universe as pure as white.
،وôî íë دم دôëئ ،òëئß ڙي òëئß
ðºڙ ،êôÇ
!òëئº ،¦ ـê åـ،ـμـ íîڙðå òxå
êôïÇ ÄÇ
آíî ،òëئ ۽
. ðڏ،ر
( 2 داμÇئن ،يìÇ بÄوو ÄÇ)
Perishable, yes perishable it is,
the world is not even for a single moment
O’ dear! They will prepare your grave
by pressing earth with their feet
A spoke and a reed, are everybody's fate.