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(Rick Simeone) #1

Your patience gives wisdom to the unwise

Your silence is a great virtue, a priceless quality.

بئز، آڻò äãÙ بò ،ð»ìïì ́ ÍبÄ ðÇڍا

.ي’˜ ́ —ئرçó íبð ́ Çئز، بÄÍ يÂìÇ

( 8 راڻð، äèðè ÄÇ)

O' Beloved! Your patience prevents the unwise (from sin)

Its effectiveness made me repent quickly.

اڳôئن، ôÙا ðôÈj ،نðóئèÄÊ !ðÇڍا

.۾ ½ـ،ـá، ò»ìïìè ـðôن îـ ن، ـĉئðóëـِ ëـ،ـ–،

( 8 راڻð، äèðè ÄÇ)

O' Beloved! Every one feels ashamed

while recollecting the lapses

Only shame was accredited to my credit.

Êـ،ـÄ،م !ðÇڍا ۾، êïìè ـðôآئـِ òwðè



åـ ن ðóئŠå òÇ


.ـôئنآڳـِ Ùـ،ـôا، ـðôِjـ،ـÈـ ،ــ،ـê

( 4 آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)

Beloved! Those who felt ashamed

on recollecting their lapses

They feel distressed and repent on realizing their faults.

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