And therefore in my life
I got more of sorrow than joy
، و،ڃ ـ،ـìئن و،ـ،ـڳ، ،òp ́ ـ،ـÄכ، ـ،ـÄِ כ ́ ـ،ـÄ
.ن ð ́ ـڻئئ¹ô Çـ ـòـڻـِ Çـ ، ـ îـ ا يا آòî
( 4 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Abandon your solitude, and forget loitering
These are the guidelines
which you should listen to guide others.
ìÇئل، Ä ـڻò Çــ ،òp jئڻ jـ،ـÄدو --jئڻ”
.ðº êî îئڳ ́ ئن ðÇ وÍئل، ðº وmئن
( 4 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Egoism itself acts as a covering against you
listen and be careful
The hindrance to your union
is indeed because of this ego.
،ç mڱð ڳj اي éëئزون، روزا
.òp ھêóÄj ò»Èj Çئن êïìº ، ßـ،ـçï ðô} ð او
( 4 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Namaz and Fasting are indeed good deeds
but there is some other wisdom
by which to behold the Beloved.