Curb the talks of hypocrisy
associate not with those who say “I”, “We”
Mix with the true seekers
so that you get to be near union.
ئڻ ëـ،ـ بí í ́ ئڻêô
د،ر ي§ا ،
،ðº ا،}ºðـ،ـêï
ِا،ïsـ ـòِئـ òÇ د،ر ن،
، jئڻ ðôëئ ëـ،ـí ºـ،ـê ـôئ،
رائڻ ó»ïئڻðر
.ðº ا،}ºðـ،ـêï آòî ،
( 1 ،ò ́ئÄj ÄÇ)
Even if you were learned, assume ignorance
his door is for the innocent persons
Only those are accepted on his door
who have dissociated from egoism
The merciful Sovereign is for the innocent.
!ـڻئنِèـ،ـڱـ êóـ،ــÄ èـ،ـμئن ́ ìـ،ـðار،، òº Óـ،ـéـ،ـØ
èـ ـòِڏ،ئـ ـ،ِèئڻـ ڌار، ¦،Âìـ،ـ òڌ
.۾ ـy
( 1 ،ò ́ئÄj ÄÇ)
O’ bard! Do not be on excessive coveteous
After giving you the gem
they would just throw you out.