ِjـ ـ jـ
.ـêôِåـ،ـïـ ـêôِـئئئــِ ́ ـðن ́ ـ í ́ ، jئڻ ـ،ـÄ، óئنـÄ
( 3 آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
O’ seeker! While talking him along
you strive seeking the same
None has ever acquired knowledge through wandering
Inquire yourself about the Beloved
you will discover him within yourself.
، jئڻ ـ،ـÄ، óئن ـÄِ ِjـ ـ jـ ـ،ـÄي، ðÇئj Äïsان jـ،ـÄ،
.ـ،ـÄئêô ن àºئئð ل،¦ êïìº ، Çئڻ ـئêôـîð ِ́ ́ ئن ðÇ
( 3 آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
Avoid inquiring about the Beloved
from other houses (sources)
Inquire within your self, He is there
for whom, you are bearing hardships.
ِîـ ـئر؟ِو،ڻـ ð êô،و
òp؟ ،تðî ـêôِڳåðـ ëـ،ـí ـ³
++ mـ،ـئò، ـÞôِåـ،ـÔـ ، --ëئه ـðِåـ++
، --jئر ò} }ئروðm
}ـ،ـ ـòِÇـ،ـμـ ـòِـ++
ِjـ رو،Çـ،ـÂì
ـïìـ jـ ـÄت
، --jئر êôÇ ـðھ
ِëـ ـôڳ،ِëـ ëئئò++
. --ðº دو³Ç دÄóو ۾ ð ́ ،ـïئر
( 3 آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
Why do you go to the oasis
why do you not search the Beloved here?
The Beloved, is not hidden anywhere else
Be a chaste woman ready to sacrifice