The Sufi purged the inner-self from egoism
thereafter he could behold the Beloved during his life.
Çڙóئ، òئóè }ôئ ،äóازÅÙ áÊئÙ
.ðô ÷ل òμìÚå Çـ،ـبäô، ـ،ِÇـ ï»ìèئن
( 5 ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Satan (Azazil) was a true lover
other lovers only wished
Due to his extreme love he was condemned.
،êôÇ وھ ـïìـ jـ jـ،ـìnïـ،ـêóÂھ ،êئô ـðن ́ ـ }ـ،ـي، âـ،ـÂ
ون، ـðار́ ـ،ـïـِ êئô ́ !òئÈÇ ـئêô،ِÇئîـ ðìôـِÇـ êئôº
ðîت ـ»ـ،ـ³ ½ـ ،êôـِـÈـِèـ ـò§ـِ !ـòـ{ـِ èـ
( 7 آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)
How can you reach the Beloved
while holding head high? O' seeker!
The more you hold your ego against him
The more you would be broken into pieces
Be humble, leave your orragance
else you would lose the Beloved.