The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1



  1. Laurentianus plut. LXXXV. 10, paper, 559 largest size folios, XV.-XVI.
    centuries, written in two hands. Fols. 1-2 give an index of the treatises.
    Contains: 1. Mos. i (the greater part supplied by the more recent
    hand); 2. Virt. a-c; 3-4. Mos. ii, iii; 5. Spec, iii; 6. Praem.; 7. Opif.; 8.
    Spec. iv. c; 9. Jos.; 10. Abr.; n. Virt. b and first half of c; 12. Spec. iv.
    f; 13. Prob.; 14. Cont.; 15. Decal.; 16. S/?<?c i. a; 17. Spec. i. b; 18. S^c.
    i. c; 19. Spec. i. d; 20. Spec. i. e; 21. S/?<?r. i. f; 22. Spec. i. g; 23. Sp*c. ii.
    a, b, and first part of c; 24. Cong.; 25. Som. i; 26. i, ii; 27. Cher.
    (lacks the last part); 28. Sac. (lacks the end); 29. Det.; 30. Ebr.; 31.
    So£r.; 32. Immut.; 33. ^gr. (lacks the end); 34. Plant.; 35. Cow/.; 36.
    FiW. d (lacks the end). About 1550 A.D. Jacob Diassorinus added from
    the edition of Philo's works by Adrianus Turnebus, Gig., Migr., Heres,
    Fug., Spec, i, g^2 , Exs., Aet., Flac, Legat. The text of this codex is re­
    lated to no. no.
    See C.-W., no. 23,1, xx-xxiv; Conybeare, no. 20, p. 3.

  2. Vaticanus gr. 379, owned by Nicolaus Sophianus at end of XVI. century,
    paper, 386 folios in quarto, XIV. century, badly worn so that the origi­
    nal writing has almost disappeared in many places. It agrees with no.
    80 and in no instance has better readings.
    Contains: of no. 80, treatises 5, n, 15-20, 23-36. At the end is a work
    titled 'EK TGJV ev 'EJoSy Y?TOI 'EfayuYij ftQTYipaTGJV Kai Xuoewv (ed.
    A. Mai, Classic Auct. IV, 430-441; Grossmann, Anecdoton graecum
    Philonis Judaei de Cherubinis, Leipzig, 1856).
    See Harris, no. 12, pp. 63-68; Tischendorf, no. 10, pp. 144-152; C.-W.,
    no. 23,1, xxv-xxvii.

  3. Monacensis gr. 113 (=Boicus 174 used by David Hoeschel), paper, 263
    folios, XVI. century, script small and neat, rubricated titles and initials,
    corrections in the margins.
    Contains: Spec. ii. b, c (first part).
    See C-W., no. 23,1, lxxiii (note), lxxviii; V, xxi-xxiii; catalogue, no. 3,
    pt. 2.


  1. Vaticano-Paiatinus gr. 248, paper, 326 largest size folios, XIV.-XV. cen­
    Contains: 1-3. Mos. i, ii, iii; 4. Opif.; 5. Decal.; 6. Spec iv, c; Virt. b
    and beginning of c; 7. Spec, iv, f; 8. Prob.; 9. Cont.; 10. Spec, i, g^2 ; n.
    Spec iii; 12. Jos.; 13. Sac; 14. Cher.; 15. Agr.; 16. Plant.; 17. Immut.;
    18. Ebr.; 19. Sobr.; 20. Conf.; 21. Abr.; 22. Flac; 23. Legat.; 24. Virt. a;
    25. Virt. b with d; 26. Fug.; 27. Heres; 28. Cong.; 29. Som. i.
    See C.-W., no. 23,1, xxxiv-xxxv; Conybeare, no. 20, p. 2.

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