The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

Cambridge (England), University Press, 1886, pp. xxiii, no, with two
facsimiles, Greek and Latin.
Contains: Frags.
Reviewed in The Athenaeum, 1887, ii, 47.
425. Philonis Alexandrini libellus de opificio mundi, edidit LEOPOLDUS
COHN, Vratislaviae (Breslau), Wilhelm Koebner, 1889, pp. [vi],
lviii, [2], 108. (Breslauer philologische Abhandlungen, IV, 4.)
Contains: Opif.
Reviewed by B., Literarisches Centralblatt fur Deutschland, [XLI]
(1890), 590-591; by C. Haeberlin, Wochenschrift fur f(lassische Philo-
logie, VII (1890), 453-455; tby [Paul] Wendland, Berliner philo­
logische Wochenschrift, X (1890), 237-242; by Siegfried Reiter, Zeit-
schrift fiir die osterreichischen Gymnasien, XLII (1891), 982-985; by
E. Schiirer, Theologische Literaturzeitung, XVI (1891), 139-141.
Philonis de aeternitate mundi, edidit et prolegomenis instruxit FRAN-
CISCUS CUMONT, Berlin, George Reimer, 1891, pp. xxix, 76.
Contains: Act.
Reviewed by E. Schiirer, Theologische Literaturzeitung, XVI (1891),
441-443; by P. Wendland, Berliner philologische Wochenschrift, XI
(1891), 1029-1035; by R. Ausfeld, Neue philologische Rundschau,
1892, 290-298; by Leopold Cohn, Wochenschrift fur \lassische Philo-
logie, IX (1892), 262-266; and by Siegfried Reiter, Zeitschrift fiir die
osterreichischen Gymnasien, XLIII (1892), 17-20.

  1. Neu entdec\te Fragmente Philos: nebst einer Untersuchung uber die
    ursprungliche Gestalt der Schrift de sacrificiis Abelis et Caini, by
    PAUL WENDLAND, Berlin, 1891, pp. x, 152.
    Contains: Frags.
    fReviewed by F. C. Conybeare, The Academy, XL (1891), 482-483;
    tby [Franz] Cumont, Berliner philologische Wochenschrift, XI (1891),
    1484-1490; by Johannes Draseke, Wochenschrift fur tyassische Philo-
    logie, VIII (1891), 1206-9; by L., Revue critique d'histoire et de lit­
    erature, XXV, ii (N.S. XXXII) (1891), 503-4; by H. v. Arnim,
    Deutsche Litteraturzeitung, XIII (1892), 400-402; by C. Bigg, The
    Classical Review, VI (1892), 24; by Whlrb., Literarisches Centralblatt
    fiir Deutschland, [XLIII] (1892), 22-23; and by C. O. Zuretti, Rivista
    di filologia e d'istruzione classica, XXI (1893), 162-164.
    428.* "Deux traites de Philon: OIAGJVOC nepl TOU TIC b TGJV Getav £OT!V
    KATJPOVOUOC yj nepl T/jc elc T& ha KCC! evavTia Touyjc.
    OIAGJVOC; nepl y^veoewc v A(3eA Kal 2>v auToc Te Kal 6 ct§eAcj>oc lepoup-
    Traites reedites d'apres un papyrus du Vie siecle environ par" V.

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