The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

  1. Wolff, M., Die philonische Philosophic in ihrcn Haupttnomcntcn darge-
    stellt (fruher in der "Sulamith" abgedrukt), Leipzig, 1849. (From no.
    *Second, enlarged edition, ibid., Gothenburg, 1858, pp. x, 61.

  2. Noack, Ludwig, "Der Jude Philon von Alexandrien und seine Weltan-
    sicht," Psyche, II, 1851, 4-7.
    579-t Rubinsohn, Theophilus, "Philo and his Opinions," The Christian Re­
    view, XVIII (1853), 119-135.
    58o.f Darling, James, "Philo Judaeus," Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, I-Z,
    1854, 2361 £.
    581.* Kingsley, Charles, Alexandria and her Schools. Four Lectures delivered
    at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh, Cambridge (England),
    1854, 79, 81, 85-94, I05> x 52 -

  3. [Anonymous], "Philo Judaeus and Alexandrian Jewish Theology," The
    Eclectic Review, N.S. X (1855), 602-613.

  4. Dollinger, Joh. Jos. Ign., "Das alexandrinische Judenthum Philo," Hei-
    denthum und Judenthum. Vorhalle zur Geschichte des Christenthums,
    Regensburg, 1857, 836-848.

  5. Jost, J. M., Geschichte des Judenthums und seiner Secten, Leipzig, I,
    1857, 99-108, 344-361, 367-393. (Schriften herausgegeben vom Institut
    zur Forderung der Israelitischen Literatur.)

  6. Muller, J. G., "Philo und die judisch-alexandrinische Religionsphilo-
    sophie," in J. J. Herzog, Real-Ency\lopadie fiir protestantische The-
    ologie und Kirche, 1st edit., Gotha, XI, 1859, 578-603.
    586.f Holmes, Peter, "Philo or Philon," in John Kitto, A Cyclopaedia of
    Biblical Literature, 3rd edit, by William Lindsay Alexander, Edin­
    burgh, 1862, III, 515-517.
    Frequently reprinted.

  7. Schultz, "Die alexandrinische Religionsphilosophie," Gelzer's Monatsb.,
    octobre 1864. (From no. 626.)
    588.f Ceillier, Remy, "Philon le Juif," Histoire generate des auteurs sacris et
    ecclisiastiques, new edit., by... Bauzon, Paris, I, 1865, 309-313.
    An earlier edition 1729-1783. (From B.N.)
    589* Keim, Theodor, "Die judische Aufklarung. Philon der Alexandriner,"
    "Die Essaer," Geschichte Jesu von Nazara in ihrer Ver\ettung mit dem
    Gesammtleben seines Vol\es, Zurich, I, 1867, 208-225, 282-306; see
    also 9-11, 634.

  8. Ewald, Heinrich, Geschichte des Voltes Israel, 3rd edit., Gottingen, VI,
    1868, 257-312.

  9. Hausrath, A., Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, Heidelberg, II, 1872,

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