The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

Reviewed by E. Tz., Revue critique d'histoire et de littirature, XLIII,
i, or N.S. LXVII (1909), 29-30; and in nos. 627, 543.
627/)* Dauriac, Lionel, "Philon d'apres deux ouvrages recents," Revue des
itudes juives, LV (1908), 37-47.
628 .f Inge, W[illiam] R[alph], "Alexandrian Theology," in James Hastings,
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, New York and Edinburgh, I,
1908, 308-319, esp. 309-312.

  1. Arnim, Hans von, "Die europaische Philosophic des Altertums," Allge-
    meine Geschichte der Philosophic, Berlin and Leipzig, 1909, 265-271.
    (Paul Hinneberg, Die Kultur der Gegenwart, I, v.)
    630. Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan Launfal, The Message of Philo Judaeus of
    Alexandria, London, 1909, pp. 96.
    Bentwich, Norman, Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria, Philadelphia, 1910,
    pp. 273; bibliography, 263-265.
    632. Brehier, fimile, "Philo Judaeus," The Catholic Encyclopedia, New
    York, XII, [1911], 23-25.
    Caraccio, Marcello, Filone d'Alessandria e le sue opere, Padova, 1911,
    pp. 96, 31.
    634. Herzog, Karl, Spefyilativ-psychologische Entwicfyung der Grundlagen
    und Grundlinien des philonischen Systems, Diss. (Erlangen), Niirn-
    berg, 1911, pp. v, 127.
    Republished as a monograph, Leipzig, 1911.
    Louis, M., Philon le Juif, Paris, 1911, pp. 62.
    Reviewed by Adalbert Schulte, Theologische Revue, X (1911), 479 f.
    636^ Marshall, J. T., "The Odes and Philo," The Expositor, 8. S. I (1911),
    385-398> 519-536.
    637* Oesterley, W. O. E. and Box, G. H., The Religion and Worship of the
    Synagogue: An Introduction to the Study of Judaism from the New
    Testament Period, 2nd and rev. edit., London, 1911, 7, 44 f., 116-120,
    139,204,207 £.

  2. Zockler, Otto, "Philo of Alexandria," The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclo­
    pedia of Religious Knowledge, New York and London, IX, [1911],

  3. Lesetre, H., "Philon," in F. Vigouroux, Dictionnaire de la Bible, Paris,
    V, 1912,300-312.

  4. Stegmann, Otto, Die Anschauungen des Mittelalters uber die endogenen
    Erscheinungen der Erde, Diss. (Tubingen), Leipzig, 1913, 7-9.

  5. Windisch, [Hans], "Philo," in Friedrich Michael Schiele and Leopold
    Zscharnack, Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1st edit.,
    Tubingen, IV, 1913, 1500-1502.

  6. Strathmann, H., Geschichte der fruhchristlichen As\ese bis zur Entste-
    hung des Monchtums, Leipzig, I, 1914, 83-157.

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