The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
*Reprinted, Turin, 1913, pp. 22.
Reviewed by Otto Stahlin, Berliner philologische Wochenschrift,
XXXVI (1916), 935.

  1. Motzo, Bacchisio, "II Kara 'IouSafav di Apione," Atti della R. Accade-
    mia delle Scienze di Torino, XL VIII (1912-1913), 459-468.
    Reprinted, Turin, 1913, pp. 10. (From Bollettino delle pubblicazioni
    italiane... 19/3, Firenze, 1914, no. 4908.)
    Reviewed by Otto Stahlin, Berliner philologische Wochenschrift,
    XXXVI (1916), 934.
    692. Juster, Jean, Les Juifs dans I'empire romain: leur condition juridique,
    economique et sociale, Paris, 1914, 2 vols., xviii, 510, viii, 338.
    Askowith, Dora, The Toleration of the Jews Under Julius Caesar and
    Augustus, Diss. (Columbia), New York, 1915, pp. xiv, 235.

  2. Klaussner, J., Historia Yisreelit (Jewish History), Odessa and Jerusalem,
    1915-25, 4 vols.
    695.* Radin, Max, The Jews among the Greeks and Romans, Philadelphia,
    1915, pp. 421.

  3. Weber, W., "Eine Gerichtsverhandlung vor Kaiser Traian," Hermes,

L (1915)* 47-92.

  1. Krauss, Samuel, Synagogale Altertumer, Berlin and Wien, 1922, pp. viii,

  2. 698 .1 Engers, Maurits, "Die staatsrechtliche Stellung der alexandrinischen
    Juden," Klio, XVIII (1922-1923), 79-90.

  3. Loewe, Herbert, "The Petrie-Hirschfeld Papyri," The Journal of Theo­
    logical Studies, XXIV (1922-1923), 126-141.

  4. Modona, Aldo Neppi, "Antichissimi papiri ebraici rinvenuti recente-
    mente a Ossirinco," "Ancora sui papiri ebraici di Ossirinco Petrie-
    Hirschfeld," Aegyptus, IV (1923), 31-37,125-131.

  5. Bell, H[arold] Idris, Jews and Christians in Egypt: The Jewish Trou­
    bles in Alexandria and the Athanasian Controversy, [London], 1924,
    pp. 140.

  6. Fuchs, Leo, Die Juden Aegyptens in ptolemaischer und romischer Zeit,
    Wien, 1924, pp. 156.

  7. Bell, Hfarold] I[dris], Juden und Griechen im romischen Alexandreia,
    Leipzig, 1926, pp. 52. (Wilhelm Schubart, Beihefte zum Alten Orient,
    Reviewed in no. 537, LXXIII (1929), 430.

  8. Engers, M[aurits], "IIoXiTCUMa," Mnemosyne, N.S. LIV (1926), 154-

  9. 705* Forster, E. M., "Philo's Little Trip," Pharos and Pharillon, 3rd edit.,
    Richmond (Surrey), 1926, 32-36.

  10. Zielinski, Thaddee, "L'empereur Claude et Pidee de la domination mon-

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