The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

  1. Joannes Zonaras, Annates, VI, 10: PG, CXXXIV, 1864, 488A.

  2. Michael Glyca, Annates, III, IV: PG, CLVIII, 1866, 444A, 525D.
    The second passage seems a confusion of some ecclesiastical writer
    with Philo.

  3. Bacon, Roger: see *The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon: A Translation,
    by Robert Belle Burke, Philadelphia, 1928, II, 810. A reference to Philo
    as the author of Ecclesiasticus and the Wisdom of Solomon.

  4. Bonaventura: see no. 1528.

  5. Nicephorus Callistus: Ecclesiastica historia, II, 9, 15, 18: PG, CXLV,
    1865, 780A, 792D, 795D-801D.

  6. Antoninus, St.: see no. 1545.

  7. Jacobus Philippus Bergomensis: see nos. 1542, 1557.

  8. Donatus Bossius: see no. 1558.

  9. Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius: see no. 1540.

  10. Alliaco, Petrus de: see no. 1552.

  11. Picus Mirandulus, Johannes: see no. 1553.

  12. Schedel, Hartmann: see nos. 1561, 1562, 1579.

  13. Reuchlin, Johann: see no. 1563.

  14. Tritheim, Johann: see no. 1564.

  15. Augustinus Eugubinus (Steuchus): see no. 828.

  16. [Servetus, Michael], Christianismi restitutio, [Lugduni?] (Lyons),
    1553; see 102, 104, 118, 131, 139, 201, 202, 204, 223, 225, 240, 285, 692,
    7i3> 728 > 733-
    From reprint [Nuremberg, 1790], believed to be an exact copy.

  17. Hoeschel, Dav., Philonis loca emendata. Zu Joh. Damascenus „Homilia
    et acrostichis" Mwoiqc 0£oO npoownov £v 0a3wp i§e: Aug. Vind.,
    1588, 8vo, 95-104. (From no. 528.)
    J473'# [Camden, William], Remaines Concerning Brittaine: But especially
    England, and the Inhabitants thereof... The fourth Impression,
    reuiewed, corrected, and increased, London, 1629; see 45, 47, 63 f., 72 f.,

  18. Grotius, Hugo, "De veritate religionis Christianae,,, Opera theologica,
    III, London, 1679; see 86 f.
    Translated by Symon Patrick, The Truth of Christian Religion: In
    Six Boo\s. Written in Latin... and Now Translated into English,
    with the Addition of a Seventh Boo\ Against the present Roman
    Church, 3rd edit., London, 1689; see 22, 105, 1065.
    1475.* Kircherus, Athanasius, Turris Babel, sive Archontologia qua primo
    priscorum post diluvium hominum vita, mores rerumque gestarum
    magnitudo, secundo turris fabrica civitatumque exstructio, confusio
    linguarum, & inde gentium transmigrations, cum principalium inde

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