The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
1571.* Eusebius Pamphilus [Caesarensis], De euangelica praeparatione, trans­
lated by Georgius Trapezuntius, Venetiis, Bernardinus Benalius, [31
May] 1497, folio. Hain *67o6. See sigs. gvr, gvir, hir, hnr, hvr and v,
hviiiv, ivir, lvV, lvir.
A reprint of no. 1533 with generally the same contents.
1572.* Iuuenalis, [Decimus] Iunius, Satyrae, with commentaries of Antonius
Mancinellus, Domitius Calderinus, and Georgius Valla, Nurnberge,
Antonius Koberger, 6 December, 1497, folio. Hain *97ii. The refer­
ence to Tiberius Alexander in Sat. I is to be found on folios XVr and
v and XVIr, and the reference to Queen Bernice on folio LXXIIr and
v. Valla's comments on the Bernice passages are to be found on folio
LXXIIIr and are most detailed and interesting.
1573.* Dionysius Areopagita, Opera, Parhisi(orum) (Paris), Ioannes Hig-
manus and Wolfgangus Hopylius, February 6, 1498, folio. First edi­
tion. Hain #6233» See sigs. Amv, AiVv, and folios 59V, 6or, 81 v, 82r.
1574.* Josephus, [Flavius], De antiquitatibus ac de bello judaico, translated
by Ruffinus Aguiligiensus, edited by Hyeronimus Squarzaficus, Vene­
tiis, Albertinus Vercellensis, 23 October, 1499, folio. Hain *9455» See
folio CLIIIv.
1575.* Suidas, Ae£iKov, (Lexicon graecum), edited by Demetrius Chal-
condyles, Mediolanus, Ioannes Bissolus & Benedictus Mangius, 15 No­
vember 1499, folio. First edition. Hain ^15135. See folio GGmv.^8
1576.* Eusebius Pamphilus Caesariensis, Ecclesiastica hystoria diui Eusebii
et Ecclesiastica historia gentis Anglorum venerabilis Bede, Argen-
tinen (Strassburg), Georg Husner, 14 March 1500, folio. Hain #67i4.
See sigs. b 3 rA and B, b 5 vA-b 6 vB, h 8 vA, k 5 rB.
1577.* Orosius, Paulus, Viri doctissimi historiae initium ad Aurelium Augus-
tinum, Venetii, Bernardinus Veneti de Vitalibus, 12 October, 1500,
folio. Hain 12104. See sig. In nr.
1578.* Eusebius Pamphilus [Caesariensis], De euangelica praeparatione,
translated by Georgius Trapezuntius, Venetiis, [Bartolomaeus de
Zanis], 10 November, 1500, folio. Hain #6707. See folios 3ir and v, 32r,
36r and v, 48V, 49r, 50V, 5m

  1. In this edition the works of Philo are listed as follows: JIEQI xfjg avywboz<i)<z yXi&GOfov
    PiPAiov a'; JIEQI <pva£(og xal svorinaxog a'; JIEQI <5>V xaxd vovv xig Evxsxai a'; JteQi
    jiaifiEvascog EV; JCEQI xA/r|QOv6nov x<ov ftsiayv XQay\iax<dv a'; JIEQI neQicrfioi) tacov xal
    Evavxicov a'; JIEQI TCOV XQMDV SvvdiXECOv; JIEQI ivakXayziGiav ygaopibv Jtaod TIVCOV; JTEQI
    ovvihixcDV 7i6yov$ P'; JtEoi pCov <pdoa6(pov; JIEQI Yiyavxcov a'; jtEQi OVEIQCOV S'; JIEQI
    ^nxTjudxcov xal SQ|j/nv£VH,dxtov xfjg 'E|68ov E'; JIEQI xfjg SxYivfjg, xal AfixataSyov 8';
    JIEQI fruoucov; JIEQI VKOOX&OZWV, rfroi xaxaQdto; JIEQI Jtgovoiag; JIEQI ,Iov8aicov a'; mQi
    ay(ayf\g Piov; JIEQI 'AA,£?dv8Qov xal JIEQI XOV ?8iov Xoyionbv 2%ziv xd dA,ova; JIEQI xov,
    Jtag dcpQcov 8ovA.6g daxi; JIEQI xfjg 8iaYC0Yfjg xcov Xoiaxiavcov; JtEpl Piov ftecoorixixov;
    TCEQI IXEXCOV; Jtsgl ye<OQyia<; Myovg P'; JIEQI \ii$r\s P'; JIEQI XOV McotfEtog piov; Elg xd
    XEQOvPijr xovxEaxi, XTJV q)"koyivt\v Qo^iqpaiav; slg xfjv jtsvxdxEvxov Mcovascog, xal Elg
    avxdv Mcovafjv Myovg E'.

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