The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1



1580. Platina, [Bartholomaeus (Sacchi) de], De vitis maxi. ponti. historia
periocunda, Venetiis, Gulielmus de Fontaneto de Monteferrato, 15
December, 1518, small folio.
Annotated and corrected by Paulus Manutius, son and successor of
Aldus. See folios iiiiv and vir.
[Rivers, A.], The Sad Condition of a Distracted Kingdome, Ex­
pressed in a Fable of Philo the Jew, London, 1645, pp. [iv], 31.
A political tract in verse based upon a legend in De plantatione Noemi
(sic) (§§127-129).
1580b. Mfilton], J[ohn], The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce: Restor'd
to the good of both Sexes, 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, London,
1644, 36. See Chilton Latham Powell and Frank Allen Patterson, The
Worlds of John Milton, New York, III, ii, 1931, 435.
1580c. M[ilton], J[ohn], Tetrachordon: Expositions upon the foure chief
places in Scripture, which treat of Marriage, or nullities in Marriage,
London, 1645, 45. See Chilton Latham Powell, The Wor\s of John
Milton, New York, IV, 1931, 146.
i58od. Milton, Ioannes, Pro populo anglicano defensio, London, 1650, 19.
See the translation by Samuel Lee Wolff in the edition of Clinton W.
Keyes, The Worlds of John Milton, New York, VII, 1932, 79.
1581. Evelyn, J[ohn], An Essay on the First Boo\ of T. Lucretius Carus,
De rerum natura, Interpreted and Made English Verse, London, 1656.
The first edition of any part of Lucretius in the English language. The
"Animadversions," p. 183, mention Philo among others as teaching
the corruptibility of the world.
Evelyn, John, Sculptura; or, The History and Art of Chalcography,
and Engraving in Copper: with an ample Enumeration of the most
renowned Masters and their Wor\s, 2nd edit., London, 1755; see 14, 28.
1583.* [Judd, Sylvester], Philo: An Evangeliad, Boston, 1850, pp. 244.
Except for the use of the name of Philo, references to Biblical history
and slight references to some of his teachings, this volume is only
interesting as it is clearly modeled on no. 1580a. It is a poem (similar
in form to the Sad Condition in opposition to the war of the United
States with Mexico and enlisting sympathy against the institution of

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