The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
equality, 87, 89, 94
equity, 108
Essenes, 87
Euripides, io8n.
Eurysus the Pythagorean, 99n.
Eusebius, 9, 12, 96n., ioon.


Fisch, H. M., 44n.
Flaccus, 7f., 9, 10, 15, 16, 23, 29, 30, 57, 101
flattery, 4L, 14, 19, 27, 41, 52, 56, 63
Fortune, 12, 76
France, Republic of, 121
Francis, King, edict of, 122L


AIUS CALIGULA, 1, 7-19, 30, 65, 67,
68, 101, 103-110, 118, 121L; attitude
toward legal rights of subjects, 107-109;
images of, 1, 14, i6f., 113, 122; theory of
rulership, 14, 18, 105-109
Gayyat, I. b., ii3n.
Geiger, F., 2, 3n., 5n., 76n., 86n.
gentiles, as audience, iof., 21, 38f., 42, 43,
47, 5°, 56, 59, 62, 63, 90, ioon., no, 116;
excluded from "divine nature," 119; the
"wicked," 115
Gfrorer, A., 116
God, 27, 86; ideal ruler, 9of., 96, 97, 99, 119;
relation to Jews, 10, 12, 13, 20, 27, 42L;
relation to mankind, I2f.; relation to rulers,
14, 45, 48f., 57n., 91L, 94-96, 99, "4, "9;
relation to universe, 78; savior, 97; source
of arts, laws, customs, and standards, 69,
of Law, 79; trust in, 31
good, nature of the, 2if., 7if., 73
Goodhart, H. L., 12m.


AGAR and Sarah, 83
harmony, 94, 102
Harris, J. R., 39n., 92n., 95n., 97n., 99n.
Hausrath, A., 35n.
heaven, citizen of, 91; heavenly city, 83L
Heinemann, I., if., 43m, 45n., 75m, 86n.,
93n., 95n.
Heinze, M., io6n.
Helicon, 15, 16
Henkel, H., 44n.
Heraclitus, 76L, 78n.
Hirzel, R., 79n., 8in., io8n.
Holyday, B., 66n.
Homer, 44, 45, 46
household manager, 49L, 55, 70
human fallibility, 81
"humility," 24, 34
Husbandman, s.v. Messiah


AMBLICHUS, 44n., 53n., 98
imperium, 55
Isaac, 21, 22, 43
laoTTig, s.v. equality
iuridicus, 35-37, 60


ACOB, 43L, 47, 71, 72n.; the ideal man, 44
James I, 4
Jamnia, 16, 17
Jethro, allegory of, 34-37; "pastoral care of
God," 36
Jews, allegiance to law, 15, 29, 31, 36-38, 80;
art, 113; as audience, 7, 11, 21, 25, 34, 38,
42, 113; attitude toward emperor's office,
100, no, 114; attitude toward hellenistic
theory of kingship, 19, 85, 95, 105, no,
112-114, 119; attitude toward images, 1,
14, i6f., ii3f.; attitude toward martyrdom,
26, 27, 41; in Roman society, 4, 10, 17, 20,
35, 4of.; literature and history, 62; Mes­
sianic hope, 115-119; metaphysics, 42;
monotheism, 14, 27, 110-113; patriotism,
113; preservation of customs and rights,
1 of., 14, 19L, 57, 58, 101, 108; racial soli­
darity, 3, 4, 10, 16, i8f., 3if., 114, 116; re­
lation to God, 10, 12, 13, 20, 27, 42L; re­
ligious Judaism, 112L; reverence for Pa­
triarchs, 111-113; symbolized by "truth,"
31; virtue, 115, 116, 117
John the Baptist, 25
Joseph, 21-33, 43f-, 46-63, 71L, 90, ioon.,
101, 113; "addition," 23L, 33, 48; "addi­
tion of the Lord," 48; allegory of, 21-33,
90, 101, 113, 115; "arrogance," 23-27, 30L,
43, 47; attributes, 28, 33n., 46, 48, 50, 521.,
60-62; brothers, 22, 26, 28, 47, 57-60, 7if.;
coat of many colors, 32, 48, 71; dreams,
21, 22, (first) 26-29, (second) 29-32, 47,
54L; education, 44, 46; "empty opinion,"
22-24, 26; 8JCITQOJIO5, 22L, 55; household
manager, 49L, 55; interpreter of dreams,
56; natural gifts, 46, 50; politicus, 21-31,
43-63; prefect, 43, 55L, 62; slave of Poti-
phar, 51, 60
Josephus, I7n., 38, 64-66, 122
Judah, 59
Judaism as a law and as a Mystery, 43; see
also s.v. Jews
Justin Martyr, i3n.
Juvenal, 66


evri 86|a, s.v. "empty opinion"
king, 8, 19, 27, 44-63, 86-120; Aristotle
on, 45, 49f.; attributes, 45, 50, 57L, 60-62,
91-100; "averter of evils," 53; Benefactor,
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